FlyLady - the theory about easy and quick housework - has emerged recently. Its essence is that cleaning is divided into blocks and takes only a few minutes every day. At the same time, perfect order is always maintained in the house.

FlyLady - a modern woman should be able to do everything
The FlyLady system was invented in America. It translates as "flying woman". This is not just a home cleaning guide, but a new way of life. FlyLady takes care of herself, her family and her home. She is the perfect woman with the perfect home. She does not spend a lot of time cleaning, so she does not get tired and does not get angry with her family, who “always get dirty”.
How do you become such a fantastic woman? First, learn to enjoy life. Smile at your reflection in the mirror right in the morning. After a couple of days, you will notice that the world around you has become more colorful, and your mood has improved.
Next - keep yourself in shape. Wear light makeup even at home. Above all, wear lace-up shoes. This is necessary so that there is no desire to lie on the couch in front of the TV. After all, for this you need to bend over, untie the laces and take off your shoes. These small, at first glance, conditions will help you to always keep yourself in good shape and not be lazy.
FlyLady system - how to build a day
The day, according to FlyLady's theory, is divided into several cleaning periods. Morning and evening is called "Routine". These periods take a total of five to seven minutes. In the morning and in the evening, you need to: wash the kitchen sink, throw out the trash, arrange the dishes in their places, wipe the stove. These simple steps will keep your kitchen clean all the time. After periods - morning and evening - some time for yourself. Wash, apply cream, do makeup or manicure, etc. "Routines" are done every day, despite the lack of time and desire.
Don't do two things at the same time. You will do one and the other poorly.
FlyLady's second rule is to get rid of trash at home. Throw away or give away anything you haven't used in over a year. Then there will be space in the cabinets, there it will be possible to hide everything that is now in plain sight.
When buying new, get rid of the old. Don't store unnecessary items. All the same, you will use new ones, and old ones only take up space in the wardrobe.
Disassemble the places of accumulation of small objects in time. Usually everything that is too lazy to carry into place is put on a bookshelf, bedside table, mirror. Deliver items to where they should be once a day. It won't take long and won't let a bunch of things grow.
Be sure to please yourself with a new cream, face mask, delicious cakes. This will help you maintain a positive attitude.
Divide the apartment into zones and clean only one every day. It does not take a lot of time to clean one room, you will not get tired and will be happy that you have done your plan.
Always clean everything at once. So that clothes do not accumulate on the backs of chairs and wrinkled linen on the board.
Imagine that you are a realtor and you need to quickly sell an apartment. See what needs to be changed, repaired, painted. Do something from this list every day.
Pamper yourself and praise, be glad that you are doing everything and the house is perfectly clean. A positive attitude can help turn your daily routine into a fun experience.