What Is Synergy And How Can It Be Used In Practice?

What Is Synergy And How Can It Be Used In Practice?
What Is Synergy And How Can It Be Used In Practice?

1 + 1 = 3. Is the example solved correctly? Right! In particular, when it comes to a synergistic effect. He comes into his own when two unite, driven by the goal of getting a third in his company - the result.

What is synergy and how can it be used in practice?
What is synergy and how can it be used in practice?

The essence of the concept

Rejecting complex economic terms, the synergistic effect can be easily explained by calling on the help of an ordinary household broom. After all, everyone knows very well that each of its twigs individually does not carry special value. Judge for yourself - what is the use of them? But everything changes when small twigs are tightly tied with twine and a valuable kitchen item is born. They can already sweep the floor and shake off the carpet from the dust, and calling on imagination for help, make a brownie and "play" rock and roll. That is, by combining the twigs into one, you will immediately raise their coefficient of utility to the skies!

If we translate this back into the language of economics, it turns out that the synergistic effect is the process of merging two companies, structures, divisions or industries into one, bringing more profit and dividends. To make it clearer, you can consider this phenomenon in practice.

Team building


A well-developed corporate life is a vivid reflection of synergy. Taking their employees out into the countryside, many managers are not without reason ordering various game tests and quests for them. The calculation is simple and straightforward. Having united by one goal, people have a team spirit and they come to the result much faster than alone.

Solving various puzzles in the process of interactive, passing tests and solving riddles, the participants, resorting to "brainstorming", increase the intellectual capabilities of the entire team. And this allows them to move along the intended path faster, easier and more efficiently.

This is the synergistic effect.

Small business


In a small business, this process can be outlined as follows. For example, somewhere on the outskirts of the metropolis there is a small stall selling various products of mass consumption: chocolates, snacks, buns, drinks, and more. His business is not going well, income is not stable and is jumping up and down, and the individual entrepreneur does not receive the profit he expected.

And then, as if by magic, two huge shopping centers sprout up next to the stall in a couple of months. And what do you think, competitors "cut off his oxygen" and it closes? Not at all! Quite the opposite. The flow of people united by one task is increasing - to spend money on their own needs. Stalls together with shopping centers are combined into a single system that enables people to satisfy their needs. Thus, things are going uphill for all participants in this chain.

Shopping centers are “gaining momentum”, small businesses are flourishing due to the influx of people, and satisfied customers go home to return later.

Here a popular saying comes to mind: "And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe."



In creativity, the synergistic effect can be seen on the example of musical groups. Let's say there is a certain drummer, keyboardist, guitarist and soloist. If each of them chooses individualism and tries to walk alone to the musical Olympus, then the path will be thorny and difficult.

But everything will change dramatically when they meet and decide to create a group. Everyone will benefit from such a union - the music will become richer and more interesting, everyone will have a chance to develop in a team of like-minded people, and fans will acquire a talented team in their person.

Remember the Bremen Town Musicians and their overwhelming success at the royal court? A real synergistic effect in action!

It turns out that the synergistic effect is widespread in everyday life and is applied to various spheres. And therefore, when starting a business, think - and not call someone to help you? After all, one head is good, but two are still better.
