The activities of the teacher, of course, are regulated by strict regulations designed to ensure the best quality of education for children. But only the teacher is good who, within the framework of the regulations, creates the real art of teaching.

Double standard
The concept of a standard in pedagogical activity is often perceived negatively, as a set of some patterns, restrictions, dry rules. Whereas a standard, in its essence, is a standard, a model is the best example of the result of a teacher's actions.
In a creative environment where a customer-executor relationship takes place, they say that the worst order is the one in which there are no frames or guidelines at all. The more indifference the customer has to the result, the more mistakes the performer will make in the process. The same situation is developing in education: dry norms and rules are vital so that a teacher can create not to the detriment of children. It is like a metal frame that supports curly flowers. The frame is unattractive, but without it, the conceived shape would not have come out.
Just like education without the teacher's creativity is just a mean frame of knowledge, for which the eye does not cling, which does not rejoice in the soul. Children are not drawn to such a teacher, they do not fully comprehend his subject.
In move
The activity of a teacher is a closely intertwined automatism and improvisation. The students' faces change, the program remains the same, and even if it seems to an outside observer that the teacher is involved in the process, inside, perhaps, he has long been off fire with what he is talking about. Teachers are always at risk, burnout is a terrible disaster for a teacher. Creativity is capable of saving from it.
The work of a teacher is a constant life in the struggle: for children's hearts, against ignorance, for their own living soul - these words may sound excessively elevated, but the devaluation of the teacher's work just leads to the so-called "burn-out". Creativity is a way to preserve yourself and find a common language with children, to truly convey knowledge to them.
The teacher's creative abilities are manifested in his daily interaction with students, in his assessment of conflict situations and their resolution for the benefit of all participants, in an individual approach to the student or in a different approach to different groups of students, organization of classes and extracurricular hours.
Whereas in most cases, creative activity involves the creation of a new one, in the case of a teacher, the result should be a change in the student's personality for the better - the disclosure of his abilities, an increase in morality and positive motivation. Like a personality sculptor, a teacher not only saturates students with knowledge, but also improves them, helps to find oneself, to establish itself in society, in self-realization. Therefore, his responsibility to his students is so great, and every step must be thought out and carefully weighed.