It is not uncommon for a person to realize that his profession does not give him pleasure, that he works in his specialty literally through force, without the slightest enthusiasm. This can happen at the very beginning of his career, or it can happen at a very mature age. A quite natural question arises: so what should he do?

Step 1
First of all, don't over-dramatize the situation. It’s over, it’s unpleasant to realize that so much time was wasted in vain. But remember: you are not the first, you are not the last. Many famous people also went about their own business at first.
Step 2
If you are determined to change your profession, do not let anyone convince you, even your family and friends. Surely they will ask you not to act lightly. Listen politely, assure you that you will take their opinion into account, but do as you see fit.
Step 3
But of course, first think about what you want to do. Listen to your inner voice, try to remember what hobbies and hobbies you had in childhood, adolescence, while studying at a university. It is possible that your childhood inclinations were not appreciated by your parents, and they insisted that you give up a frivolous activity. This, by the way, often happens.
Step 4
For example, you have always been distinguished by irrepressible imagination, a penchant for writing. So try to write a fantastic story, send it to some literary competition. If it attracts attention, provokes a lively discussion, then you have a clear talent for writing. Or maybe you have always been a pronounced techie, but under the influence of your parents you learned to be a philologist or a historian? Then try to develop some technical novelty.
Step 5
Do not be afraid to try yourself even in a completely new, unusual business. It is quite possible that you will be lucky. Modest teacher J. K. Rowling, starting work on the first book about the little wizard Harry Potter, probably could not even imagine what a resounding success awaits her. Remember that the reserves of the human body and psyche are simply colossal. With the will, patience and diligence, you can achieve very good results.
Step 6
If you are tired of working for someone, and you feel a desire for entrepreneurship, try going into business. Of course, first think it over well, make a marketing analysis, draw up a business plan.
Step 7
Do not forget about elementary prudence and caution. For example, even if you suddenly really want to become a renowned champion athlete, and you are not your first youth and have never played sports before, the chances of success are negligible. But you can easily undermine your health.