By a decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2011, a new deadline was established for calculating maternity leave payments. Under the new rules, maternity benefits are calculated based on the average amount of earnings for 24 months. So far, women are allowed to choose the most favorable period for calculating, but this permit is valid only in 2011, and it is not known whether it will be extended for a longer period.

Step 1
To calculate, add the total amount of earnings for 24 months, which does not include payments for social benefits, and divide by the number of calendar days in the billing period, by 730. The result should be multiplied by the total number of maternity days. With a singleton pregnancy - by 140, with multiple pregnancies - by 196.
Step 2
If the childbirth proceeded with complications, for example, there was a cesarean section, then 16 days will be paid, but after the birth in a separate amount. If multiple pregnancies are established during childbirth, the supplement will be 56 days in a separate amount also after childbirth.
Step 3
The maximum total amount of earnings for calculating maternity payments was increased to 465,000 in one billing year, previously this amount was 415,000 rubles.
Step 4
If a woman has worked less than the specified settlement period, but more than 6 months, the calculation must be made from the amounts actually earned, for which insurance premiums were charged, divided by the calendar days actually worked.
Step 5
For women who have worked for less than 6 months, the calculation is based on the average daily minimum wage.
Step 6
Those who chose to pay for leave under the law that was previously applied to calculate the maternity benefit should be paid according to the average daily earnings for 12 months multiplied by the number of maternity days. To do this, the amounts earned are added up and divided by the number of calendar days in the billing period.