It is not only the chefs or waiters who help to leave a pleasant impression of the restaurant. There is one whose work is not so visible, but badly needed. This is the administrator. He does a number of important things without which a good restaurant would not be considered good.

The administrator of a restaurant or cafe is also called a manager or manager. The essence does not change. This is a person who decides a lot in a restaurant and who cannot be done without.
How do you get an administrator position?
There are two most common options for becoming restaurant administrators. The first can be called career growth. Those. this position is received by someone who has already worked in a restaurant for some time, for example, a waiter or a cook. The nuance is that this person must have organizational skills and a desire to work well.
The second option is that the person has received the necessary specialty, and he has a document confirming that he has skills in this area. Organizational skills are still needed.
Obligations of the administrator
One of the job responsibilities is recruiting staff. It is quite difficult and responsible. Working in a restaurant, nightclub or cafe very often attracts unscrupulous and dishonest people. For them, working in such an institution is a way to profit and improve their financial condition not only with honestly earned money. In such cases, the administrator is required to have discernment and the ability to suppress such inclinations in a person. After all, inappropriate behavior and unfair work of one employee can ruin the reputation of the entire institution.
It is equally important that the new person fits into the existing team. The quality of the entire restaurant depends on this.
Another responsibility of a good manager is knowledge of the basic norms of etiquette and control over their observance by all working personnel. Such control will help to minimize unpleasant situations, and there will be little overlap between staff and customers.
A good administrator needs to conduct various trainings from time to time for the staff working in the hall. They can discuss conflict situations that arise and ways to resolve them.
The administrator must be able to work with various cash registers, have a good command of special programs used in catering establishments. PC skills are also required.
Another direct responsibility of a restaurant or cafe manager is to help the management, communicate with higher authorities, schedule the work of all staff and monitor compliance with it, as well as the execution of all available instructions.
It may seem that being an administrator is quite difficult. But if you have organizational skills, as well as a great desire to work and learn something new, then this type of activity will be enjoyable.