The results of the certification of an employee at the enterprise must be fixed in a document, in a certification sheet. In addition to brief information about the employee, this sheet contains the results of certification, i.e. information about what questions were asked to him, what answers the employee gave, and what decision the commission came to. Although there is no single sample of the attestation sheet, and the data entered into it depend on the specific purposes for which attestation is carried out, this document must be filled out by an employee of the personnel department carefully in order to avoid inaccuracies and errors.

- - company seal;
- - pen;
- - the form of the attestation sheet.
Step 1
Prepare the required form. Enter in it the individual data of the employee who must be certified, and information about his education.
Step 2
In the event that the form of a specific form is provided, based on entries from the work book, write down information on the length of service in the sheet. Enter information about the position occupied by the employee, his specialty and qualifications at the time of the certification.
Step 3
After the certification is completed, fill out that part of the form that relates directly to the passing certification. Using block letters, write down the questions that were asked of the certified employee by the authorized commission member, as well as the answers provided.
Step 4
Record the result of the attestation - the conclusion to which the commission came and the recommendations formulated based on the results of the vote that took place in the absence of the employee.
Step 5
Secure the document with all the signatures and stamps necessary for this. On the attestation sheet, in the place designated by the form, it is necessary to have the signature of all members of the attestation commission who were present at the meeting and participated in the voting. And also the signature of the employee of the personnel department. In this case, the stamp of the company on the document is required.
Step 6
Provide the employee with the result of the certification. The employee must certify his consent with the information specified in the document with a signature in the column provided for this. In the event that the employee refuses to familiarize himself with the provided document, then draw up an act. In it, record the fact of the employee's refusal. This document must be certified by several members of the commission and by the employee himself.