How Fingerprint Examination Is Carried Out

How Fingerprint Examination Is Carried Out
How Fingerprint Examination Is Carried Out

Fingerprinting (from the Greek words δάκτυλος - finger and σκοπέω - look, observe) is a way of identifying a person by the prints of his fingers, palms or hands. The papillary pattern of the skin of the hands is unique. These patterns are unique for each person. It is this feature that underlies personality identification.

How is fingerprint examination carried out?
How is fingerprint examination carried out?

The history of the emergence of the fingerprint method

It is generally accepted that the origins of datacloscopy lie in bertillonage. This is the name of the methodology for investigating the offender. It was built by Bertillon in 1892. The clerk in the Office of Forensic Identification, Alphonse Bartillon, proved that for a combination of 14 units of measurement (height, length of the upper body, circumference and length of the head, length of feet, hands, fingers and ears, etc.), an adult has a chance of coincidence according to the theory of probability is equal to 1: 286 435 456. Therefore, a careful measurement of each criminal and entering the data into the card index will help to unmistakably establish his identity.

Fingerprinting appeared at the end of the 19th century. The Englishman William Herschel was then able to prove that a person's fingerprints are unchanged throughout life. Moreover, they remain the same after his death. Behind him, another Briton - anthropologist Francis Galton, using the mathematical theory of probability, proved that the probability of a repetition of a papillary pattern is zero. Already in 1903, the fingerprint was taken from the crime scene as evidence.

After 4 years, fingerprinting was mastered in Russia. First to keep track of vagrants. And a year later - recidivist criminals. In 1999, according to Federal Law No. 128-FZ of July 25, 1998 "On State Fingerprint Registration in the Russian Federation", the range of subjects subject to fingerprinting has expanded. Now, by fingerprint records, it is possible to establish those who have become victims of a criminal, air or car accident.

To fingerprint a living person, you need to get an imprint of the palm and samples of his fingerprints. There is a certain procedure for this.

How to make a fingerprint

- wash your hands with warm water and dry thoroughly;

- on clean glass or a sheet of paper 10x15 cm in size, roll out a thin layer of printing ink;

- using a special roller, paint is applied to the fingers and palms;

The dactcard blank should lie to the right of the plate. Pre-fold it in half. Lay along the folded top fold line on the edge of the table. The person performing the procedure is on the right.

Fingerprinting starts from the left hand. To do this, you need to stretch out all the fingers in turn. The first fingerprint is taken from the thumb. The rest must be gathered into a fist. Fingerprinting is done with only three fingers of the left hand. It is large, index, medium. One of them is taken as close to the palm as possible. The upper phalanx of the same finger is taken with the same finger of the right hand. The finger is, as it were, rolled across the plate from left to right. The lateral side of the nail phalanx should touch the edge of the plate.

The main thing is that the prints are clear and complete. They are located on the map in strict sequence. Control prints must be applied at the bottom of the dactcard. These are the prints of four fingers of both hands and, separately, the thumb. It is important that the control prints clearly show the appearance of the papillary pattern of two phalanges of the fingers: middle and main. On the back of the blank, impressions of two palms are made. The paint can then be washed off. It is best to do this with a solvent. But powder or laundry soap will also work.

Full details of the person, date and place of birth are necessarily recorded in the dactcard. The time and data of the person who took the prints is also stamped. It is desirable that the skin of the hands is clean during the procedure. If there are open wounds or skin lesions, it is best to postpone the procedure.

It may happen that the fingerprint is missing a hand or fingers on it. Then a mark is put on the map in the appropriate place. The year of loss of the limb or its parts is indicated.
