For any boss, his own state is selected. Someone accepts the conditions immediately and unconditionally, someone adjusts to the style, but someone has to quit. But even if the team has been working together fruitfully for a long time, friction may arise. A director, like any other person, can be wrong. And, unfortunately, he cannot always admit that he made the wrong decision.

Step 1
If you notice that the director was mistaken, do not rush to tell him about it. Check your guesses first. After all, if you point him to the flaws that actually did not exist, your relationship will deteriorate forever. It is better to provide information on a controversial issue in writing. Do not try to verbally convince the director, it will be less effective.
Step 2
Do not start a conversation in front of strangers. Better to have a one-on-one conversation. Approach your boss when he is in the best mood. If you go to an audience when your boss is out of sorts, it could end up in an argument or even firing you.
Step 3
Don't tell the director that he is wrong. It is better to inform that the controversial issue can be resolved differently. Share your point of view. Do not forget to give reasons for your proposal, otherwise your words will at least not be appreciated. Arguments must be compelling, best documented. Tell us about all the benefits of your offer. But do not forget to note that the decision will still remain with the director.
Step 4
Never get into an open dispute. Do not raise your voice or humiliate your boss. You simply do not have the right to do so. In a bunch of boss-subordinate, the first will always be right. All disagreements must be resolved peacefully, remember this. Otherwise, your actions may bring completely different results than you expect.
Step 5
Even if there is a person in your organization who is in charge of the director (CEO, founder), do not rush to run to him and report mistakes and wrong decisions. Never reach over the head of your supervisor. You may get proof that you are right, but it may cost you your job.
Step 6
If you've tried all the methods, but the director still doesn't agree to your decision, back down. Do not defend your ideas to the last. Remember that your boss is always right, and it's up to you to follow his instructions.