What Is The Penalty For A Pedestrian Crossing In The Wrong Place

What Is The Penalty For A Pedestrian Crossing In The Wrong Place
What Is The Penalty For A Pedestrian Crossing In The Wrong Place

Pedestrians, like drivers, are full participants in road traffic, which means they must be held liable for violation of its rules. For example, you will have to pay a fine for crossing the road in the wrong place.

What is the penalty for a pedestrian crossing in the wrong place
What is the penalty for a pedestrian crossing in the wrong place

Traffic rules are a document, the provisions of which are mandatory for all participants in this process. Accordingly, for their violation, the perpetrators will have to be punished.

Responsibilities of pedestrians

A complete list of the duties of pedestrians as road users is established by section 4 of the Road Traffic Regulations. Clause 4.3 of this section establishes that if pedestrians need to cross the carriageway, they must use underground or elevated pedestrian crossings, and in their absence, cross the road at the intersection along the sidewalk or shoulder line. Thus, crossing the road in any other place in the presence of a pedestrian crossing or intersection in the visibility zone constitutes a violation of the traffic rules established for pedestrians.

Responsibility for violation of traffic rules by pedestrians

For violation of traffic rules by its pedestrians, they must be held liable under the current legislation. In turn, the main regulatory legal act that determines the procedure for the application of punishment and the scope of such liability in our country is the Code of Administrative Offenses, registered in the code of laws of the Russian Federation under number 195-FZ of December 30, 2001. Chapter 12 of the specified regulatory legal act is devoted to issues related to violation of traffic rules. In particular, responsibility for violation of traffic rules by the rest of its participants, with the exception of car drivers, is spelled out in Article 12.29 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation: violations committed by pedestrians are also considered here.

It is noteworthy that this document does not differentiate between different types of traffic violations, in which pedestrians are guilty. Regardless of the nature of the offenses, a single punishment is provided for them: paragraph 1 of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes that for a violation of traffic rules committed by a pedestrian, the latter is subject to a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. At the same time, such a rather significant amount of the fine was established for pedestrians relatively recently - in July 2013. Prior to that, the amount of the monetary penalty applied to a pedestrian road user who violated the rules was 200 rubles. The increase in the monetary fine was intended to encourage pedestrians to follow traffic rules more carefully, since they are often the cause of road accidents.
