Human Resources Officer is an important position for any organization, although it is not a managerial one. This employee works in the staff of the personnel department and his duties are limited only to work with personnel, ranging from the selection of candidates for vacant positions and ending with questions of dismissal. And, as you know, the effective work of the company depends on the competent selection of personnel.

What is the role of a personnel inspector
The duties of the HR inspector include the selection of personnel - the staffing of the enterprise with personnel of the required professions, specialties and qualifications, as well as the execution of all necessary documents: labor and additional contracts, work books. He must also familiarize the newly hired employee with his job responsibilities and receive his signature confirming this. In addition, he must provide the new employee with the entire package of local regulations governing labor relations at this enterprise, as well as other instructive and methodological materials.
The HR inspector manages the personal files of employees and makes all changes in them in a timely manner, including those related to transfer to other departments or career advancement. He also makes the appropriate entries in work books, organizes their accounting and storage. In accordance with the approved vacation schedule, the HR inspector monitors the timeliness of their provision and execution, prepares appropriate orders. His duties also include control over that the orders and orders of the management are promptly communicated to the employees and strictly followed by them. Control over how labor discipline is observed in the company's divisions is also part of his responsibilities. This HR officer also prepares staff turnover policy briefs.
Requirements for the profession
As such, the specialty "HR inspector" does not officially exist and no special educational institution graduates such professionals, but some colleges and universities train students in the specialty "HR specialist". You can also become a human resources inspector with relevant experience and basic special education: legal, economic, psychological or pedagogical. You can learn the basics of the profession at special trainings and courses, where they teach the basics of personnel records management.
The main thing that you need is a thorough knowledge of labor legislation, specialized software products and the ability to draw up and maintain personnel documentation. As for personal qualities, you need accuracy and scrupulousness, the ability to work with people. Analytical skills, responsibility, stress resistance and self-discipline will not interfere.