What Are The Rights And Obligations Of The Traffic Police Inspector

What Are The Rights And Obligations Of The Traffic Police Inspector
What Are The Rights And Obligations Of The Traffic Police Inspector

Among motorists, there are always disputes about in what situations a traffic police inspector can stop a car and how he should behave at the same time. All actions of the traffic police officers are regulated by the main document - instructions on the work of the traffic police of the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

What are the rights and obligations of the traffic police inspector
What are the rights and obligations of the traffic police inspector

The road police inspector, along with the driver, is not only endowed with rights, but also called upon to perform a number of duties. A traffic police officer who has shown rudeness and disrespect thereby violates the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Instruction on the Work of the Road Patrol Service of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation." Clause 18.1 of the document states that they must interact with road users based on a clear performance of duties, compliance with the rule of law, a combination of decisiveness, firmness and adherence to principles in the suppression and prevention of offenses. At the same time, the attitude towards citizens should be respectful and benevolent. At the request of the driver, the inspector must present an official certificate and report the number of the badge.

Having received the driver's documents, the traffic police officer must handle them carefully, without making any marks. Securities and money invested in documents must be offered to their owner so that he can take them himself. The main task of traffic police inspectors is to ensure safe and constant traffic.

It is possible to stop drivers and check documents only at stationary posts. It is possible to stop outside of those if the driver violated traffic rules or is involved in a violation; if the vehicle is wanted or used for illegal purposes; if it is necessary to question the driver or passengers about the actions they witness; when executing decisions of government agencies to prohibit or restrict traffic; to attract the driver of the vehicle to provide assistance to police officers or other road users.

In cases where the inspector stops you outside the stationary point and does not indicate any of the above reasons, his actions are regarded as a violation of official discipline.
