If you feel that you have already outgrown your position, if you cope with all your duties easily, then it's time for you to ask the management for a raise. However, leadership varies, and it is not always easy to get promoted. What kind of employee should you strive to be in order to be sure to get a promotion?

Step 1
If a person copes well with his duties in a certain position, this does not always mean that he will cope with them as well in a higher position. Everyone has a certain limit, which is difficult enough to cross. If your management is confident that your limit is the position you are currently occupying, then it will be difficult to convince them. In this case, it is better to look for a new job. An indication that management is of this opinion is a situation in which, for several years, almost all employees in your department received a promotion, except for you, although you worked at the same level.
Step 2
The promotion must be earned. Therefore, it is more profitable to ask for it after a recently completed successful project, rather than "from scratch". If you can competently justify your participation in a particular project, point out the importance of your role in it, make it clear that you can already handle such and even more complex projects, then you can get a promotion for sure.
Step 3
Keep in mind that it is difficult to get a promotion just by going with the flow. The promotion is usually received by the most proactive and active workers, often these qualities are even more important than high qualifications. Show management that you are not just a performer, but an employee who knows how to solve problems, suggest extraordinary moves. This can be demonstrated even in small positions. In addition, initiative and activity will be regarded as loyalty to the company, a desire to work in it and be of benefit to it, which is also quoted.
Step 4
It is necessary to ask for a raise competently, having prepared for this in advance. If you are worried before talking with the management, then try to write what you say, read it, think about how this or that phrase might be perceived. Compose a short speech. Be sure to talk to management about the promotion in person, not over the phone. With a negative answer or an indefinite "think", do not be upset, and even more so do not promise to quit immediately: sometimes the management may be ready for such a turn of events. In addition, nothing prevents you from trying the conversation again after three months.