Work occupies a large part of our conscious life, and therefore I want it not only to be enjoyable, but also to contribute to the realization of your ambitions in material and professional terms. Simply put - I want recognition and promotion.

Step 1
First of all, you need to determine which performance indicators of the company are affected by your work. Say, if you are a salesperson, then it is absolutely clear that increasing sales on your part will increase the profit of the organization. This means that, indeed, with more fruitful work, you can ensure yourself a quick promotion.
Step 2
However, if you are not engaged in sales and your work is not directly reflected in the increase in the financial result of the company's activities, then you need to go other ways. One of these ways may be a better position among employees. You need to create this situation yourself. You just need to stand out, become visible. This can be done by taking on some of the work of other employees who do not have time to complete it.
Step 3
The next auspicious moment may be your creative mindset, which is capable of generating ideas. An accidentally spoken great idea is the key to your promotion and recognition. You can learn to think innovatively by constantly reading special sources and literature on the specifics of your company. However, here you need to be extremely careful with plagiarism. Just recycle the ideas that you heard or read about, try them on for your organization, and then, on occasion, voice them to your employer.
Step 4
And finally, the most difficult but effective method: try to be close to your boss. Help him in every way, try to imitate, but not navily. Do not be afraid to take bold steps, because your boss is the same person as you. And, as they say, nothing human is alien to him!