According to the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated February 25, 2010 No. 50 "On the procedure for the development and approval of waste generation standards and limits for their disposal", legal entities must confirm the invariability of production processes associated with the use of raw materials. Confirmation is drawn up in the form of a technical report "On the invariability of the production process, raw materials used and on waste management", filled in according to a unified form.

Step 1
Before filling out the technical report, download the uniform form online. On the title page, in the appropriate field, put down the legal entity code assigned by the environmental authorities. Indicate the full name of the enterprise and the territory in which this business entity is actually located, as well as its actual address.
Step 2
When filling out Table 1, please note that columns 2 and 3 must be completed in strict accordance with the "Federal Classification Catalog of Wastes". If the enterprise has an approved PNOOLR, fill in column 4 in accordance with it. If PNOOLR is not available, put down the exit code sign. In the event that this sign according to FKKO is "0", put down the sign in accordance with Order No. 511 of the Ministry of Natural Resources of 15.06.2001. In column 11, indicate code 500 if waste is stored on the territory of your enterprise, and code "999" for disposal of waste in an area not intended for storage.
Step 3
The information specified in columns 2 and 3 of table 2 must correspond to the information specified in table 1. In column 4, indicate the name of the enterprise on the basis of contractual documents. Enter its code in column 5 in accordance with the registration code assigned by the environmental authorities. If this business is located in another territory, put down the code "1001", if abroad, the code "1002". Enter the amount of waste received in column 6 in accordance with the accounting documentation.
Step 4
In table 3, fill in columns 2 and 3 in accordance with the information from table 1. Fill in column 4 in accordance with the contractual documentation. In column 5, indicate the license number of the legal entity to which the waste was transferred. Write down the expiration date. Fill in column 6 in accordance with the registration documents of the environmental authorities.
Step 5
Enter the code "1001" or "1002" if the business is located outside your territory or abroad. In column 7, fill in the information on the amount of waste transferred during the reporting year, which must correspond to those indicated in the accounting documentation.