In accordance with the Federal Law "On Individual (Personified) Registration in the Compulsory Pension Insurance System" dated 01.04.96 N 27-FZ, the employer is obliged to provide individual information about each insured person working for him to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration.

A program for filling out reporting forms in the FIU, information on wage contributions for each employee
Step 1
Individual (personified) accounting is submitted on a quarterly basis, no later than the 15th day of the second calendar month following the reporting period. So, for reporting, you need to check all accruals for each employee.
Step 2
Further, if you send a report by mail, then you buy the necessary forms (SZV 6-2, and RSV-1), fill in each column with blue or black ink. Sew 2 copies in the following sequence: "List of insured persons", then "Register of information on accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance and insurance experience of insured persons." The ADV-6-2 form is not stitched. The stitching is fixed by listing the number of sheets. The head is stamped and signed. But I do not recommend sending the report by mail. Workers often have questions. And you can get penalties for not submitting a report.
Step 3
On the FIU website provides complete information on filling out all reporting forms. Go to the sit
Step 4
Choose your region. Next, click the window for employers. Next - Submission of personalized accounting information. Carefully read the text of the information presented there. There are also links to the rules for filling out the required forms. On the same site you can find programs for filling out reporting forms for personified accounting. Download the program, fill in all the required fields. Print out the result and take the document to the FIU.
Step 5
One more nuance. Be sure to check if the work period and insurance certificate numbers are filled in. And also download programs for checking reports. If you made a mistake while drawing up the report, the program will point out inconsistencies to you and you will not have to queue a second time.
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