How To Read A Will

How To Read A Will
How To Read A Will

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Wanting to dispose of his property after death, the owner draws up a will. However, there are often cases when he changes its conditions or does not inform future heirs about their inclusion in the document or exclusion from it. To make sure you have the right to inherit, you need to read the text of the will.

How to read a will
How to read a will


  • - the passport;
  • - death certificate;
  • - a document confirming the relationship with the deceased.


Step 1

Contact the notary office in the place of residence of the deceased. In most cases, the will is drawn up there. In doing so, keep in mind that the document can be open and closed. And sometimes it turns out that the will does not exist at all.

Step 2

Bring your testator's passport and death certificate with you. You will also need a document confirming your relationship with the deceased, for example, a marriage or birth certificate. Check the notary's opening hours.

Step 3

If the deceased left an open will, you will not be hindered in getting to know its text. Having found your name in the document, you can open an inheritance case with a notary. Keep in mind that the law gives you six months to do this. If you miss the deadline for accepting the inheritance, it will have to be restored through the court.

Step 4

After opening the will, the notary draws up a protocol, copies of which are distributed to the heirs and persons entitled to a compulsory share by law.

Step 5

Sometimes the testator leaves a closed will. It is drawn up by the owner of the property himself, without the participation of third parties. The finished will is sealed in an envelope and handed over to a notary. A separate list of persons is compiled in whose presence the document should be opened.

Step 6

After the death of the testator, the notary is obliged to contact each of the heirs indicated in the list and inform them of the date and place of the promulgation of the will. Even if you are sure that you are included in the document, do not try to get a separate review - a closed will excludes this.

Step 7

If the notary refuses to familiarize you with the will, you have the right to appeal against its actions in the notary chamber or in the department of the Ministry of Justice. In especially difficult cases - for example, if it seems to you that the actions of the notary are due to the influence of interested parties - you can contact the prosecutor's office and demand to check your case.
