How To Draw Up A Warranty Card

How To Draw Up A Warranty Card
How To Draw Up A Warranty Card

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Importers and manufacturers must provide a warranty for their product. However, they do not always know the specifics of service and sometimes do not pay due attention to it. And the development of the layout of the warranty card is very important for both the seller and the buyer.

How to draw up a warranty card
How to draw up a warranty card


layout of the warranty card


Step 1

The warranty card consists of a main part, a part for the warranty center marks and tear-off coupons. Place on the front side of the main part the inscription "Warranty card" and below it - the name, model and serial number of the product, manufacturer and importer, date of sale and warranty period. Indicate where the product was sold (name of place, address, phone number), give the coordinates of the warranty workshop and the route to it. Leave space for the seller's stamp.

Step 2

On the back, place the warranty policy (warranty or warranty statement).

Step 3

Place the field for data from the service center next to the tear-off coupons on the front side and divide into blocks according to the number of coupons. Place the label "Service Center Marks" here. Below it will be the dates of receipt and issue, special marks and the seal of the warranty center.

Step 4

On the front side of the coupon put the words "To be filled in by the seller", the name, model and serial number of the item, the coupon number and the date of sale. There should also be a place for the seller's stamp. On the back of the coupon, put the words "To be completed by the service center". Here will be the date of acceptance for repair and completion of work, the signature of the receiver and the master, full name, address and telephone number of the buyer, the declared defect and a description of the deficiencies found. There should also be a place for the warranty workshop stamp.

Step 5

In a warranty situation, the cut-off coupon remains with the service organization, and the main coupon remains with the buyer (as a certificate of ownership of the thing). On the coupon, a mark is put on the acceptance of the goods for repair. The name of the importer is very important for the service center; you need to know whose product was brought in for repair. You can issue branded warranty coupons that allow you to accurately identify the importer (first of all - by the company stamp).
