The inspection report must be drawn up no later than two months after the start of the inspection. It summarizes and indicates all violations that were identified during the tax audit, as well as proposals for their elimination. All documents related to the course of the audit must be attached to the act.

- - information about the audit and the taxpayer, his representative office;
- - the names and positions of the persons who carried out the inspection;
- - documents involved in the audit.
Step 1
Indicate the number of the inspection report that was assigned to him by the tax office.
Step 2
Write the full name of the subject of verification, as it is spelled out in the constituent documents. If the subject is an individual entrepreneur - his initials and surname.
Step 3
Indicate the identification number assigned to the taxpayer - TIN.
Step 4
Describe where to check. The name of the settlement.
Step 5
Include the date on which the act was signed by the reviewers.
Step 6
Indicate the surnames and full initials of the persons who carried out the verification. As well as their positions, the name of the tax inspection body that they represent, ranks, special titles.
Step 7
Write the date and number of the order of the head of the inspectorate to conduct a tax audit.
Step 8
Provide a list of verification questions.
Step 9
Specify the period of the event (start and end dates). The date of commencement is considered to be the date when the order on the field tax audit was presented to the manager. The inspection period includes the hours spent by inspectors at the facility of the taxpayer being inspected. If this activity was interrupted, include the number and date of the decision and the length of the suspension. The end number will be the day of drawing up the certificate of the passed check.
Step 10
Write the full names of the persons holding positions at the inspected facility or its branch.
Step 11
Enter the actual address of the organization.
Step 12
In the description of the act, indicate the type of violation detected during the inspection.
Step 13
In the final part, write the amount of the offense, a list of measures to eliminate the violation, the final conclusions of the inspectors.