The body that, on behalf of the state, oversees the observance of legislation, is the prosecutor's office. Therefore, it is here that Russian citizens turn to in case of infringement of their rights and freedoms. You can also send your application here with a request to check and assess the legality of certain actions of various organizations. The meaning of the application is stated in any form, but it should be drawn up according to certain rules.

Step 1
Your application can be handwritten, typed on a typewriter or computer. Use a regular, standard A4 sheet of paper for writing. Leave 1.5 cm margins at the top, bottom and right margin, and 2 cm margins on the left margin for the document filing.
Step 2
In the head of the document, in the upper right corner, write to the prosecutor's office of which city and district your opinion is sent. If you know this, please include the name of the prosecutor. Be sure to include information about yourself. Remember that anonymous complaints and statements, according to the current legislation, are not accepted for consideration. Therefore, write your last name, first name and patronymic, registration address and actual residence, if they do not match, passport details and contact numbers.
Step 3
State the facts about which you are asking for verification. List the regulations and laws that you believe have been violated. Of course, this is not necessary, but such a statement will be more conclusive. If necessary, seek the advice of a lawyer who can help you compile a complete list of violations.
Step 4
State the facts in dry, official language, including the dates and names of officials who violated the law or your rights. Try to keep the text of your statement short enough. You can draw up all clarifications as attachments, indicate them in the form of a list and attach to the application. If you attach documents to the application, then use their copies. You leave the originals of the attachments and a copy of the application for yourself.
Step 5
At the end of the application, write the phrase: "Based on the above, please …" and indicate what you want to check. Also write in what form you want to receive a response and indicate the address to which it will need to be sent. Make a list of attachments indicating the number of sheets in each one. Sign, decipher and date the application.
Step 6
Send the application by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In the event that the information provided by you is not enough to conduct a check, the prosecutor's office is obliged to return the application to you within a week so that you can enter the missing data.