The bank guarantee makes it possible to ensure the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement, in which the bank or other credit organization issues a written obligation, upon the request of the debtor, to pay the creditor the amount in case of claims for repayment of the debt.

- - petition;
- - questionnaire;
- - all financial documents of the company.
Step 1
In order to receive a bank guarantee, provide a number of documents. First, it is a petition written to the chairman or manager of the bank. Also fill out the client's questionnaire, the form of which will be given to you at the bank, collect documents that confirm your legal capacity as an individual entrepreneur, legal entity.
Step 2
Collect and submit a package of financial documents: fully prepared annual financial statements for the past financial year; an explanatory note to the annual report, filled out in form 1, 2 for the last two dates of the report; tax declaration for the single tax according to the data of the past reporting period. You will also need a tax declaration for UTII for certain types of activities according to the data of the past reporting period. At the request of the bank, provide a certificate of payment of tax and a certificate of turnover for the past three months on current accounts. Certificates of the availability of loans must be certified by the issuing bank. At the discretion of the bank, certificates are provided from the tax authorities on the opening of accounts and on the absence of tax debts, as well as data on overdue receivables and payables that were not repaid on time.
Step 3
Make and submit to the bank a copy of the tender application and the conditions of the tender or the loan agreement, loan agreement. Be sure to enclose in the package of documents copies of the legal entity's title documents, certified by a notary.
Step 4
Based on all these documents, the bank will assess the financial condition of your company and agree or refuse to provide a guarantee.
Step 5
In case of a positive answer, complete and sign an agreement with the bank. Pay and receive a bank guarantee.