Job search is always associated with many difficulties, regardless of the city in which there is a desire to get a job. The same applies to the millionth city of Chelyabinsk. There are some simple tips to follow in order to be guaranteed a job in this city.

Step 1
Analyze the labor market and demand at the moment. In general, before looking for a job, look at those market areas in which the majority of the population of Chelyabinsk is employed. It is best to apply in the following industries and sectors: metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking, instrument making, light and food industries. If your education is from a different field, it will be more difficult to get a job. But it is also possible.
Step 2
Prepare a good resume that takes into account the activities of the enterprise. Make a more detailed analysis of the company or organization in which you want to get a job. Please include personal, contact and professional information on your resume. In addition, argue why you should be hired for the vacant position.
Step 3
Collect a good portfolio of personal accomplishments. This will be a great addition to your resume. It is highly desirable that your experience is related to the industry of the firm in which you want to work. But even if this is not the case, still attach any awards and certificates. This will be a huge plus.
Step 4
Submit the maximum number of applications over the Internet. Now it is almost pointless to look for a job in Chelyabinsk (and in any other city) without using web resources. Find sites for job seekers and employers in your area. See who and where is required at the moment. Send your complete scanned portfolio to all employers. There is a good chance that you will be interested, although this method is not as accurate as the previous one.
Step 5
Settle in Chelyabinsk for a few weeks or months. One option is to come to the city itself and post a job search advertisement in all local newspapers, if you are not a local resident. Also send your portfolio in printed form to all offices and firms. This will get you even closer to getting the position you want.
Step 6
Get an interview and offer the employer the services that are required. Once you get to the interview stage, put all the cards on the table. Tell us in detail what new and useful things you can give this organization. This will greatly increase your chances, and soon you will get a job in Chelyabinsk.