Before going on maternity leave, calculate the amount of all benefits you owe yourself in order to plan ahead for all future expenses. This is quite simple to do.

- - information about wages,
- - calculator,
- - paper,
- - pen,
- - the calendar.
Step 1
Before you independently calculate all the benefits due, get information from the accounting department about the amount of wages that have been paid to you in the last 2 full calendar years. If you received a monthly salary in the form of a salary, the amount of which is fixed, then you will not need an extract from the accounting department.
Step 2
When calculating maternity leave, it is important to choose the right billing period. Consider income taken in the 2 full calendar years preceding maternity leave. If, for example, you have to go on maternity leave in November 2014, then take into account the wages paid to you in 2012 and 2013.
Step 3
Add all income received during the calculation period by month, and divide the result by 730. Multiply the resulting numerical value by 140 vacation days. After carrying out these simple calculations, you will receive the amount that you will need to receive when you go on maternity leave.
Step 4
After the end of maternity leave, you have the right to take paid parental leave. You can also calculate the amount of monthly payments yourself. But in this case, take into account 2 calendar years preceding the year of entering this type of vacation.
Step 5
To find out the value of the average daily earnings, add up the monthly wages according to the statement for the last 2 calendar years, and then divide the resulting amount by 730.
Step 6
The average annual number of days in a month is 30.4. Multiply the average daily earnings by 30.4, and then, multiplying the result by 0.4, you will receive the amount of the benefit that the employer will be obliged to transfer to you every month throughout the entire parental leave up to 1, 5 years.
Step 7
At the very beginning of the vacation and at the end of it, the allowance is paid only in terms of those days of the month that are included in the vacation period. In this case, to carry out the calculation, multiply the average daily earnings by the number of paid calendar days, and then again multiply the resulting numerical value by 0, 4.