Studentship is an amazing time when a person assimilates the knowledge that will be used by him in his daily work life. Often the desire to have a job arises during studies. But employment for a student is a rather serious problem.

Step 1
Option 1. Unskilled labor.
A student can go to work where there are no requirements for the education and qualifications of an employee. A student can get a job as a waiter, salesperson, promoter, telephone operator, or someone else for whom training takes place right on the job. This condition is often specified in the ads of employers who are interested in a new workforce. But there are some nuances here. In order to be able to study and work at the same time, one must seek employment with flexible working hours. Not all employers are ready to do this, so when interviewing a student, it is imperative to discuss this point with a potential employer. Another nuance is the timeliness of remuneration. The employer is interested in saving on the wages of the layperson. Therefore, when concluding an employment contract, it is necessary to find out all the terms of remuneration. Another point is the existence of an employment contract in general. In no case should you agree to a job where such a job is denied.
Step 2
Option 2. Employment in the specialty.
This is a very difficult employment option for a student. Few employers agree to hire, for example, an economist with an incomplete higher education, and even with a flexible work schedule. But if a student intends to work in his specialty even before he receives a diploma of higher education, then he will have to sweat seriously, proving his professional aptitude. You will have to go through many interviews, go through many rejections and, as is most often the case, agree to less favorable working conditions than we would like. But in this case, the student has a serious advantage over his other future colleagues in his specialty - he is already a specialist. And there is confirmation of this - an entry in the work book. Therefore, if an already certified specialist leaves his first job, where he already worked in his specialty, and wants to get a job in a new job, then he will have a serious advantage over other graduates of the universities of his specialty.
Step 3
Option 3. Your own business.
This is an extremely interesting way to make money for a student. But unlike the first two methods of employment, everything will depend on a person's personal initiative, on his current knowledge and skills. To organize your own business, regardless of its specifics, you will have to sacrifice part of the study time. Or all the time, if we are talking about renting some premises, employing our own employees, etc. Therefore, you need to weigh all the pros and cons before taking on this. Another thing is when we are talking about a business that is not tied to a specific place, time and people. This is Internet entrepreneurship, performing various jobs at home, providing various services to remote clients. The best example of such employment is the profession of a freelancer. This can be writing custom texts on a certain subject, writing software, performing translations from foreign languages, etc. It all depends on the skills of the student himself. The advantage of such employment is that if a university graduate fails to get a job in his specialty, then he will not be left without a job, because there is a job that he loves and knows how to do.