There is a paradox in modern life: we are constantly taught the rules of life (we need to earn money to go on vacation abroad, buy housing, expensive cars, etc.). But no one ever teaches us the full-fledged rules of job search - the place where we will earn money.

Step 1
The first step should be to formulate your job search goals.
Here you need to understand what kind of job (vacancy) you are looking for.
The vacancy you are looking for can be assessed according to several criteria.
For instance:
1. Title of the position;
2. Direction of activity of the company - employer;
3. The job responsibilities that you plan to perform;
4. The size of the salary;
5. The size of the organization;
6. Type of employment;
7. Schedule of work;
It is advisable to fix each criterion for the future (perhaps in the form of a table). The ultimate goal is to compare your original "wants" with the proposals of employers.
Step 2
Create a resume.
To write a resume, you can use:
1. Resume constructors that provide job sites (,, etc.);
2. Questionnaires of recruiting agencies (you can download the questionnaire on the websites of the agencies);
3. Specialized websites - online resume builders (they are easy to find in search engines - for example, on yandex);
4. Services of recruiting agencies for writing a resume;
5. Services of privately employed recruiters;
6. You can also compose a resume on your own - by reading the articles / recommendations (recommendations for writing a resume can be found on the Internet).
A few tips for writing a resume:
1. The resume must be structured (divided into blocks);
2. Each block should be titled (personal data, education, work, hobbies and interests, etc.);
3. Use one or two fonts in your resume whenever possible (maximum three);
4. When printing your resume, use colored paper (eg light green).
This is a little trick. Your resume will stand out from the crowd. This adds you one more, albeit small, but chance to stand out, remain in the employer's memory;
5. Print your resume on thick paper (over 80 grams). This non-tricky way will also allow your resume to stand out from the general flow, stay in the employer's memory;
6. Include your full name, surname and patronymic on your resume. It is highly undesirable to use different abbreviations (For example: "Petrov AV");
7. Always write your full date of birth in your resume (not age!);
8. Carefully check your contact details (phone number, email address, etc.);
9. Use only well-known abbreviations in your resume (KamAZ, Moscow State University, VDV). It is advisable to decipher the abbreviations known to a narrow circle of people (for example, instead of the abbreviation DZiL, it is advisable to write the full name of the department: procurement and logistics department);
10. Make your resume as carefully as possible.
After writing your resume, put it aside for a while, re-read it later (check for grammatical and stylistic errors, correct them)
If possible, let several people read your resume (friends, relatives, etc.);
11. Attempts to fit a resume on one sheet are a delusion. The size of the resume can be anything!
Additional comment
There are no uniform standards and rules related to resume writing!
All the rules for drawing up a resume can be described in three adjectives: detailed, understandable and neat.
Step 3
Make a job search plan.
The search plan always matches the job sources.
Examples of job sources: newspapers, television, job sites, recruitment agencies, state employment center, etc.
Select the job sources that suit you personally. Make an action plan for each source (for example, every morning I have to go through all the vacancies that have appeared on the website over the past day).
Step 4
Start implementing your job search plan.
Remember that looking for a job is also a job. Here you work for yourself and for yourself. Therefore, devote as much time as possible to the implementation of the plan, do not be lazy.
Step 5
Preparing for the interview.
Sooner or later, you will receive an offer to come for an interview.
Make every effort and time to prepare for this event.
Here are some tips for preparing for your interview:
1. Ask the employer for detailed information about the vacancy offered to you;
2. Compare the proposed vacancy with the criteria that you wrote down for yourself at the beginning of your job search (step # 1);
3. Make a decision - are you ready to take part in the interview;
4. Be sure to inform the employer about your decision;
5. If the decision is positive, then you need to agree on the exact date, time and place of the interview;
6. Be sure to write down the name and telephone number of the interview organizer (eg, in case you have any difficulties finding the office of the company - employer);
7. Carefully study all the information provided to you about the company - the employer, visit the company's website;
8. Carefully study the information about the vacancy offered to you, formulate and write down all the questions you may have (eg, how long and for what reason the vacancy was open, how long did the previous employee worked in this position, why he quit).
What is necessary and what not to do when preparing for an interview:
1. Do not drink a sedative, because you are unlikely to get rid of anxiety, but lethargy and drowsiness are likely to get
2. You do not need to look for friends and acquaintances who can protect your interests in applying for a job in this company (very often it turns out the other way around, because the applicant who came to the interview with an acquaintance relaxes, shows poor results at the interview)
3. No need to collect rumors, gossip about the company - employer. Including - the opinion of your friends, former employees of this company, responses on the Internet, etc.
First of all, you need to get to an interview, get information from the source. If the information is not enough or after the interview you have doubts, then you can collect additional data to make an informed decision
4. Do not take a support group (eg friends or relatives) with you to your interview. in most cases, friends, trying to cheer you up, knock you off the business spirit
5. It is also not worth bringing young children to the interview.
6. Schedule the time to arrive for the interview 10-15 minutes before the start
7. Reserve 1-1.5 hours in case the interview is delayed
8. Pay attention to your appearance (Business style. Clothes at least - clean, neat. For women - moderate, business makeup)
9. If in the process of preparing for the interview you have any additional questions, write them down and take them with you - ask the interviewers questions
10. Take your printed resume with you. The number of copies of the resume should be equal to the number of interviewers
11. Be sure to take with you a pen and a notebook (notebook), or just a few A4 sheets
12. Do I need to take my documents with me?
As a rule, at the interview, the applicant only needs a resume, pen and writing materials.
Less often, identity documents are required (as a rule, to pass the guard post)
Everything else - at the request of the employer (individually, according to the situation)
13. Try to think through the answers to the questions that sound at most interviews (Reason for looking for a job (or dismissal); your achievements in previous jobs; Salary (minimum - for a trial period, after a year of work))
Step 6
The next step is the interview.
Divide your interview into two phases:
Stage 1 - sale. At this stage, you should maximally interest the employer, "Sell your golden hands to the employer";
2. If the first stage was successful, then at the second stage you can safely voice your "salary expectations" and additional conditions to the employer (company car, gym at the expense of the employer, etc.).
Remember the rules of etiquette:
1. Turn off your cell phone (or just turn off the sound)
2. Be sure to say hello to the interviewers, give a compliment (eg, you have a very cozy office)
3. In no case do not complete the interview yourself, even if the stated time is up and the interview is delayed
Do you need to worry about a job interview?
The answer is yes, but the excitement should be moderate.
Mild excitement helps us to mobilize and make a positive impression on the employer.
Here are some tips on how to get rid of the intense (unnecessary) anxiety in the interview:
1. 5-10 minutes before the interview, sit on a chair, relax (relax the muscles of the face, neck, back, legs)
2. Take 15-20 even breaths in and out
3. Try to think about abstract things / events and not rush in thoughts between two extreme points (like / dislike, will be invited to work or not, etc.)
4. If you are offered tea or coffee, be sure to agree. Hot drinks have a calming effect on a person. They also help to relax the muscles of the oral cavity, moisten the tongue dry from excitement.
Remember, most of the time, anxiety occurs before the interview begins. As soon as the dialogue begins, the excitement recedes.
Employers love lively, proactive employees. Therefore, during the interview, be active, maintain a dialogue. Answer the interviewer's questions clearly, without going into unnecessary details.
At the same time, remember that interviewing is a two-way process. Here the evaluation is done by both parties. They choose not only you, but you too. Therefore, constantly listen to yourself - try to understand whether you are ready to work with these people, in this office, in this atmosphere.
Step 7
Several recommendations on how to behave after the interview.
1. At the end of each stage of the interview:
- Be sure to find out - what are your next steps;
- Or find out where and when you can get information on further actions;
- Thank the interviewers for their time (in any case - even if you were refused or if the vacancy is not interesting to you);
- Leave the most favorable impression about yourself (the principle of “selling yourself to the employer” is valid throughout the entire period of your communication with the employer).
2. If after the interview the employer did not get in touch, call, in a few days, yourself - ask what decision was made on your candidacy.
3. Continue to consider all job offers, even if you are told that they are ready to make a job offer. The employer's decision can change at any time.