Top 5 Fears At Work

Top 5 Fears At Work
Top 5 Fears At Work

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American psychologist David Red believes that a person at work is dominated by one of five fears: fear of criticism, success and failure, boss and competition. Knowing about these fears is necessary in order to diagnose them in time and try to overcome them.

Fears at work
Fears at work


Step 1

Fear of failure

Often we are afraid of failing if we take on new assignments. It happens that people already in the morning tune in to this fear and for this reason refuse new work, try to shift it onto others, get angry for no reason. Understand what is the cause of this fear. Perhaps, in order to cope with the task more successfully, one should learn more, improve one's qualifications. Or a person is a perfectionist by nature. Or maybe fatigue has just accumulated and it's time to go on vacation?

Step 2

Fear of luck

There is also such a fear - the fear of success. A person is afraid to take responsibility for future achievements and fame. He is frightened by the fear of responsibility. But you can't do the same job that is familiar to you all the time. Otherwise there will be no growth. Overcome your indecision - and to new achievements!

Step 3

Fear of criticism

Fear of being ridiculed by colleagues or displeasing a boss often prevents a person from being natural. This creates even more problems. Understand why criticism scares you, how you behave in case you are criticized. Maybe it really is worth working better? If you think that criticism is unfounded, this is an occasion to seriously talk to your boss or colleague.

Step 4

Fear of competition

You are afraid that someone will do the job better and faster than you, so you yourself are in a hurry and make mistakes. Afraid that someone will take over your position, and constantly look for potential enemies. This creates suspicion and scares away those around you. You should try to objectively assess your capabilities and admit to yourself that you are an irreplaceable employee. And it's better to make potential competitors friends.

Step 5

Boss fear

Many people are speechless in front of their boss. Some bosses are so authoritative and impressive that there is no desire to argue with them. But you must. Overcome your boss' fear of controversy. Get the nerve and allow yourself to say no sometimes. Remember, your boss is also human and can be wrong.
