Your communication with the future employer begins when your resume is in front of him. The way you show yourself in this document can lead to refusal even before the appointment of an interview, or, on the contrary, draw attention to your candidacy. Correct, competent resume writing is almost an art, but there are a number of universal rules that will help you master it, and therefore get closer to what you want - to get the job you are interested in.

Step 1
Many job search and job sites offer their resume templates that you need to fill out. Compare several options, choose the one that seems to you the most successful and suits the specifics of your position.
Step 2
First of all, be sure to introduce yourself, indicate your contact information. In this case, do not be lazy to check their accuracy and reliability. Indicate the email address from which you are going to send your resume.
Step 3
Indicate the specific position you are applying for. Do not write vague phrases in the hope that the employer from their vacancies will find a suitable one for you.
Step 4
In the "Education" section, list all courses, internships, competitions in which you participated. Start with the main, the most revealing.
Step 5
In the "Work experience" section, your last place of work should be indicated first, then detail the rest of the positions in reverse chronological order. Do not write in this section about those positive qualities that you have shown during this time, indicate only the place, time, position and your responsibilities.
Step 6
If you have no experience of direct work in this field, indicate your practical, course, diploma theses. This will give the employer an insight into your experience, whereas a blank graph will tell you nothing about you.
Step 7
In a special column, indicate additional information about yourself that will help the employer navigate your candidacy: indicate the level of proficiency in a foreign language, computer, office equipment, driver's license, etc. Even if these skills are not directly related to your future position, possession of them will be a plus for you.
Step 8
When specifying your personal qualities on your resume, pay attention to what the job requires from the employee. Do not ascribe to yourself non-existent qualities, but think about which traits of yours will be especially valuable in this place of work.