In the modern world, there are many professions, and each in its own way has a negative impact on the physical or mental state of a person. But among all the diversity, there are activities that harm the body more than others.

Classification of occupations by harmful factors
The most common factors that are found in various labor spheres and negatively affect human health and life are:
- chemical (involve contact with poisonous and caustic substances, artificial colors, petroleum products, synthetic fluids);
- physical (requiring large physical costs or associated with increased noise levels, extreme temperatures, vibration, dust);
- psychological (assumes great responsibility, violation of the daily routine, threat to life).
The most "harmful" professions and their consequences
Miners, miners, workshop workers, builders, drivers
It is even difficult to list all the types of negative impact that representatives of these professions are exposed to. These are temperature conditions, high dustiness of the workplace, noise, constant vibration. The respiratory and sensory organs, the balance apparatus, and the cardiovascular system are most affected. These are typical representatives of activities that are harmful in terms of physical factors.
Hairdressers, beauticians, medical professionals
Constant contact with various allergens, inhalation of their vapors, classifies these professions as chemically harmful. Often, these people are affected by the respiratory organs, mucous membranes, and severe allergic reactions are manifested.
Rescuers, law enforcement officials, senior managers, teachers
Here, the harmfulness of the psychological factor is most manifested. Working with people, responsibility, sometimes even risk - all this can lead to neuroses and mental disorders.
Some professions belong to several categories from the classification at once.
Even the most seemingly harmless professions can be dangerous to the body. For example, flight attendants and pilots age quickly. The humidity on board the aircraft is half that on the ground. This leads to rapid wear and tear of the body and aging. Chefs and other food service workers are characterized by obesity and metabolic disorders.
Salespeople and other representatives of "standing" professions almost always get varicose veins and back problems, and representatives of "sedentary" activities (office workers) often suffer from hemorrhoids, sciatica and gastrointestinal problems. Writers, jewelers and other workers who constantly strain their eyes run the risk of visual impairment.
But do not forget that the most harmful profession is the unloved one. If a person likes what he does, there is always a way to reduce the effect of negative factors.