When entering into a legal relationship with an employer, it is useful for a job applicant to know his rights in order, if necessary, to be able to defend them.

- - passport or other identification document (military ID, temporary identity card);
- - work book (if an employee gets a job for the first time, or a part-time job is expected, a work book is not required);
- - TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number);
- - insurance certificate of pension insurance (SNILS);
- - a document on education must be presented at the request of the employer;
- - certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL, birth certificate of a child, disability, the right to other benefits (for calculating the tax deduction when calculating income tax);
- - military registration documents (in the presence of military service);
- - a document on the absence of a criminal record (there is a list of professions that provide for the right to demand this document);
- - the conclusion of the medical commission on professional suitability or medical record.
Step 1
There is no fundamental difference between the concepts of an employment agreement and an employment contract. Both of these documents are regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. An employment agreement is usually called a simplified version of an employment contract, but in some cases the drawn up document may turn out to be a civil law contract for the performance of a certain type and amount of work. Contracts of this type are governed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the employee will not have any privileges and social guarantees, in addition to those that are written in the contract itself. In this case, both parties are equal in their rights, therefore, when registering a legal relationship with an employer, you should carefully read what is written in the document.
Step 2
Sometimes, taking advantage of the ignorance of job applicants, employers request a package of documents that are not provided for by law. It is useful to know that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a list of necessary documents and the employer should not require a certificate and other papers not provided for by law.
Step 3
To conclude an employment agreement, you must submit a minimum package of documents: passport, work book, SNILS (certificate of pension insurance), education document (if necessary). If this package is usually enough for an employment agreement, then other documents required for submission to the accounting department may be required for relations under an employment agreement: a certificate of income from a previous place of work, certificates confirming the right to tax deductions and benefits.
Step 4
In addition to the listed documents, the employer cannot demand others. Violation of this rule may result in an administrative fine or suspension of the activities of an enterprise or individual entrepreneur for up to 90 days if employees file a complaint with the appropriate authorities.