The managerial profession came to Russia relatively recently. Prior to that, their functions were performed by several people, which forced companies to spend much more money on their salaries. Today, the tasks of the manager have been expanded and represent a whole list that can improve the performance of the organization.

Management came to Russia from Western countries, where they have long been concerned with optimizing the processes taking place within companies. Today this profession is officially recognized, it is taught in higher educational institutions and in many advanced training courses. A manager is translated as "manager", and regardless of his area of work, he performs several similar functions in the company.
First of all, the manager works with the organization's personnel. He is the immediate head of the work collective, guides it, the process of its activities. Also, the tasks of the manager include control and optimization of the work process - this means monitoring the work of each member of the team, assessing his activities and performance, developing a strategy for introducing innovations. When determining low productivity, the manager is obliged to either provide professional development of the specialist, or replace him.
Hence, another function follows - staff recruitment. Recruiting takes an important part in the life of a company; the financial success of the company as a whole depends on the level of its performance and the recruiter's experience. Personnel are selected gradually. This area includes retraining, and its improvement among employees, and the selection of future personnel among senior students of specialized universities. The task of the manager is to provide a single team that will optimally perform the functions assigned to it.
The manager also assigns roles to employees. He emphasizes the ability to work of a certain nature and assigns it to the right people. Responsibility for the execution of the plan rests entirely on the shoulders of the manager. If the plan is thwarted due to shortcomings of the company's team, this means a shortcoming of the manager, who is unable to distribute the workload to employees.
And the last task of the manager is to be an intermediary between the top management and ordinary employees. He provides vertical communications in the company, conveying the meaning of orders and setting tasks for them.