Why Laws Are Needed

Why Laws Are Needed
Why Laws Are Needed

Compliance with state laws is one of the guarantees of order in society. The presence of a power that ensures the unquestioning implementation of all legislative norms is also an important aspect of the normal existence of a country.

Why laws are needed
Why laws are needed

The country's legislation ensures the protection of the rights and obligations of citizens. There are differences in the systems of management and control of the welfare and security of different countries, which is determined by the historical events of the development of states.

For the most part, laws directly or indirectly affect a person's life, providing the opportunity to work and live normally, while minimally restricting his freedom.

Narrow areas of specially targeted activities affecting certain segments of the population are governed by regulations. This is rather an exception to the rule.

General principles of the impact of laws

All provisions of the norms and laws established by the state are subject to general rules, the observance of which is very important.

1. Protection of minorities at various levels, fair distribution of rights and responsibilities, regardless of ranks, ranks, position in society.

2. Ability to make decisions independently and defend one's point of view within the framework of general provisions.

3. Restriction of the commission of malicious acts, the onset of punishments in case of deviation from the norms.

4. The prevalence of public interests while meeting personal needs.

5. Making significant adjustments to people's behavior.

6. The creation of norms and changes in the rules is allowed only by a group of legislators independent of the circumstances; approval of documents is carried out by leaders elected by the people of the country.

7. The adopted acts make the generally accepted national idea a winning one, from the implementation of which the well-being of the whole society is improved.

Possible problems in the absence of legal frameworks

If, for some reason, the society does not comply with the aggregate rules, and there is no controlling body, then all relationships can turn into chaos. You need to know that in this case the state and the people receive:

1. Insecurity of citizens and the entire community.

2. The prevalence of the rights of a force that does not obey reason.

3. Rampant crime and violence.

4. Creation of the ground for strengthening nationalist ideas leading to genocide.

5. Growth of anti-democratic sentiments.

6. Bias towards observance of unwritten laws, which are different in different segments of the population.

7. Anarchy and loss of integrity of citizens.

8. Uncontrolled change of power according to the principle: “the one who is stronger is right”.

To prevent situations of lawlessness, the state has power structures designed to ensure order.

The task of state power structures is reduced to the soft regulation of compliance of actions with the framework of the law in everyday life and the adoption of tough measures in the event of serious large-scale conflicts.
