Curriculum vitae (abbreviated CV) - a description of the life path, including the main milestones and achievements. But more often this abbreviation is used to denote a resume - information about education, work experience and competencies provided during an interview with a recruiter.

- - computer;
- - work book (or contract);
- - documents on graduation from educational institutions and courses.
Step 1
Consider the structure of your resume. What clauses and subclauses, in your opinion, should be in it. If you have little experience in drafting such documents, contact your friends. There can be no general advice about the structure, but what should be displayed in absolutely every resume is the name, contact information, education, work experience and personal achievements. Additional sections at your discretion.
Step 2
Decide whether you will be listing the milestones in your career in forward or backward chronological order. The first option is more traditional, the second is more convenient for a recruiter who will study this resume. The main thing is to maintain unity. In other words, if you choose a direct chronology, it should be in both the "Education" item and the "Work experience" item.
Step 3
Prepare a work book, contracts and documents on graduation from educational institutions. Not all people remember the exact dates of the beginning and end of work or study. Also, from these documents, you can rewrite the correct names of companies, training centers, universities.
Step 4
Provide a line that would tell you about the competencies acquired during the training, as well as a line that lists the main areas of activity of the company in which you worked and the responsibilities you perform. Don't try to write a "novel"; 1-2 sentences are enough. A resume overloaded with information is hard to read, and therefore there are not very many chances that it will interest a recruiter.
Step 5
Include your hobbies and personality traits in your resume. Do not try to list such epithets as "kind", "honest", "livable." It is better if you indicate the qualities demanded by the vacancy for which you are applying. For example, “sociable” and “persuasive” for a sales manager, “empathic” and “sympathetic” for a social worker.
Step 6
Repeat your contact information at the end of your resume. This must be done so that the person studying the document does not go back to the beginning, but can immediately call and ask clarifying questions. Of course, this is a trifle; all the more annoying if it leaves your resume unanswered.