There is no technological progress without metrology and standardization. You can get the profession of an engineer in this specialization in many domestic universities.

The choice of specialization in the direction of "standardization and metrology" means activities in the field of quality assessment of products, control of the conditions of use of equipment, development and consolidation in standards that facilitate the saving of resources and the protection of the safety of production processes rules.
The essence of the profession
One of the conditions necessary for normal operation can be confidently called standards. They are designed for every segment, from production to sales.
The most important standards are for the construction industry, science and industry. International standardization is extremely important. It cannot be separated from urbanization or globalization.
This is explained by the need for the conformity of the commodity assortment produced by a particular state to the norms generally accepted in international trade.
The analysis, study, generalization and formulation of the laws of production processes and is engaged in standardization. The overall goal of all actions is to achieve maximum efficiency and speed of technological processes.
Metrology refers to the science that deals with measurements, methods that ensure their unity, means for achieving the highest accuracy.

Many specialists use such standards in their work to obtain specific parameters of objects of study with a given degree of accuracy.
In all fields of technology, an adopted measuring system is necessary. With its help, the definition and control of technological processes is carried out, the quality characteristics of products are controlled.
Certification specializes in comparing object parameters with existing regulations. To protect consumers from low-quality products, this science is being introduced.
The staff of almost all enterprises has the position of an engineer for metrology and standardization. Such a professional can begin to perform labor duties after graduating from a higher educational institution.
Features of the activity
Specialists create and implement normative, technical and methodological documents developed according to the requirements of the State Standardization System.

Their activity contributes to the development of the economy, increasing its efficiency, and improving the quality of products. As a result, the standard of living of the population is growing.
According to the chosen specialization, students receive the skills necessary for practice, knowledge for performing engineering duties. Such specialists are in demand in companies of various industries.
They can work:
- at customs;
- at the tax office;
- in testing laboratories, certification, metrological and standardization centers;
- in sanitary and epidemiological supervision, trade inspection;
- in organizations specializing in the implementation of innovations; at patent offices;
- in industry.
Many educational institutions provide training in this profession. The work is carried out according to a program that includes metrology with standardization. It is carried out by universities of a technical orientation, among which there are the most prestigious.
After graduation, with a high degree of probability, you can count on getting a full-time job at a machine-building enterprise, in the field of pulp and paper, chemical or forestry.

Determining the future direction should be puzzled during the studies in the last courses. Most often, students combine education with activities in their chosen specialization.
Necessary qualities
Having made a decision on activities in the chosen direction, the future specialist compares the character traits and existing abilities with the list of qualities relying on a competent engineer.
He is required to:
- the ability to calculate accurately;
- ingenuity;
- ability for technical creativity and innovation;
- developed logical thinking;
- breadth of outlook;
- Analytical mind;
- unconventional way of thinking;
- the reality of the assessment of the situation;
- the ability to accurately follow instructions;
- maintaining labor discipline.
Even before entering the chosen faculty, it makes sense to think about your own compliance with the department of standardization and metrology. Be sure to take into account both character and temperament.

The career of a specialist in this area can be built according to a wide variety of scenarios. Teaching activities are available to them. At the enterprises of the oil industries it is impossible to do without metrologists and standardizers. The specialist himself chooses where and what he will do.
The list of the most demanded positions includes quality managers, auditors, metrologists and appraisers.
Functions performed
UCM engineers are on a separate line. Organizations provide specialized services to various customers. Work in the FMC often consists of testing, issuing certification and other documentation.
Technological activity is indicated among the professional duties. A specialist has a lot of functions. All responsibilities are divided into several categories:
- production and technical;
- organizational;
- research;
- design.
Manufacturing and technical functions are the development of measures intended to improve the quality of the product.

Also, the specialist finalizes the existing standards, develops new ones, checks the compliance of the certificates available for the products, improves the level of measuring accuracy, and increases the reliability of control measures.
A specialist, as a manager-organizer, is supposed to deal with:
- planning and organizing events related to standardization with certification;
- regular inspections of production standards and specifications;
- monitoring the fulfillment of the list of requirements for manufactured goods;
- assessing the level of marriage, taking measures to eliminate it and prevent it;
- organization of assessment and quality control of product criteria;
- drawing up plans, after agreement with which new measuring equipment is introduced;
- control of incoming raw materials, testing of finished products.
When mentioning research activities, they mean the need to develop measures for testing, measuring, and quality control of products.
It also depends on professionals to create a variety of theoretical models, which are based on the research of product quality characteristics and analysis of technology.
This type of activity of an engineer includes the development of technical documentation, methods for quality management or modernization of existing ones, the selection of optimal solutions to existing problems, the preparation of documentation on technical conditions, standards, the development of instructions and other documents of a highly specialized focus.

The highest degree of employee responsibility is obvious. The profession requires a lot of endurance, the presence of patience and the presence of intelligence.
Before entering, you should carefully analyze all the pros and cons of the future specialty.
An undoubted advantage is the possibility of promising work in an interesting field of science or production.
Specialists in this field are always in demand where measuring equipment is used, including on the international labor market.
The disadvantages include difficult working conditions, for example, in constant noise. This is most of the routine.

The applicant will have to think over the arguments for and against the future work himself. After all, he is responsible for his own career.