It’s impossible to be completely happy if you don’t love your job. Therefore, the choice of the business with which you will earn is so important. It is not enough to find a job that you can handle and still receive good remuneration. If cats are scratching their souls, it's time to change the type of activity.

Step 1
Remember your childhood and youth. Then your mind was freer from prejudices, stereotypes and information filters. There were probably classes or subjects in school that you liked. If you went to any circles and sections, try to recall in your memory which of the activities caused you the most pleasant emotions. Think about what moment appealed to you and why. For example, you enjoyed painting with watercolors. The drawing process consists of several actions: choosing the plot of the drawing, choosing colors, creating characters. Let's say you were more satisfied with the successful selection of paints.
Step 2
Find professions that use the action you enjoyed doing the most. For example, color definition is used not only by artists, but also by tailors, interior designers, florists, website builders and cartoonists. This is an incomplete list of professions that may suit you. Choose what you would like to do more, what kind of work you feel predisposed to.
Step 3
Do not allow false values to wrongly influence your choices. You can become a representative of a prestigious profession and be unhappy. Monetary but unloved work will not bring you satisfaction. Continue the family tradition, yielding to the persuasion of the family, become a doctor, like your father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and you will blame yourself and your parents for this for a very long time. If you start doing a business that you really like, then, of course, you will achieve great success in it, which entails material well-being.
Step 4
Listen to your heart. It can give you wiser advice than reason. Your subconscious mind contains more extensive and deeper information about what can make you happy. It is stupid not to consult with intuition on such an important issue as the choice of a future profession. If you have a good place in a large company, your earnings are stable, and you are satisfied, as well as a team, which consists of friendly, affable people, but something bothers you, and every day you get up to the service, as if to hard labor, this is a reason ponder.