Fumelier is a rather old and rare profession, more common in Europe. She is an offshoot of the sommelier profession, but the fumelier is more involved in tasting cigars than alcoholic beverages.

Good sense of smell
Step 1
The word fumelier comes from a combination of two words: the Spanish "fumar" - to smoke and "sommelier", meaning a specialist in tasting alcoholic beverages. Fumellers do not deal with cheap tobacco contained in cigarettes or cigarillos, this profession affects only expensive quality cigars. Tasters can work in cigar clubs, male restaurants, cigar and tobacco shops. The responsibilities of a cigar specialist include cutting cigars for clients before drinking, helping them choose alcohol (wine or brandy), and coffee. In addition, the fumelier is obliged to tell about the type of tobacco, the manufacturer of the brand of cigars, about the peculiarities of the taste of the selected cigars and drink and the most harmonious combinations.
Step 2
Becoming a fumelier, like becoming a sommelier or coffee specialist, is difficult enough. Regular educational institutions that prepare chefs and pastry chefs do not provide courses for specialists in tastes and smells. In addition, a fumelier should initially have an excellent memory for smells and tastes, remarkable charm, good manners and the ability to conduct a conversation with a wide variety of people. Without these qualities, teaching the profession of a fumelier is meaningless. In addition, as a rule, men become fumellees (at least in Russia there is definitely not a single woman who tastes tobacco).
Step 3
Initially, a person who wants to tasting tobacco needs to learn to be a sommelier - a taster of alcoholic beverages, since an important part of the fumelier's work is the selection of certain types of spirits to cigars (often a certain brandy or whiskey is best suited to cigars of a certain brand). There are sommelier courses and schools in major cities of Russia: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kazan, etc. Further, you can get a fumelier education in specialized cigar schools or courses (they usually come to Moscow to study). There is still no unified fumelier school in Russia.
Step 4
In addition to Russian, there are European and American fumelier schools, having received training in which, you can start working in foreign restaurants. The most famous are English educational institutions: Cigar business school, The London Club and others. Popular American sommelier and fumelier schools are based in Washington DC and New York. Several schools operate in Cuba in the production of cigarettes and pipe tobacco.