You have received an invitation to talk with a future employer and expect a lot from him. For example, a respected position, a solid salary, an excellent team, in which you will find many friends and like-minded people. Throw away those youthful dreams at once and prepare for a tough and severe test.

Of course, this does not mean, to put it mildly, that you will be turned inside out during the interview and forced to talk about the most intimate.
1. You came to a company that amazed you with the solidity, politeness and tact of its employees, and, remembering your previous job, where everything was different, you begin to scold the former boss, his habits and preferences. Consider that your interview is over, you can "kiss" the office door from the back. Because any leader is already well aware of his competitor. And he does not need an outside worker who would wash dirty linen in public.
2. If you came for an interview and begin to describe with a slight pathos the personal problems that prompted you to look for work, you can turn back. Conversations like the fact that a wife is pregnant with her seventh child, and there is not enough money for a mortgage, have already been heard here, and more than once. Therefore, this "number" during the interview does not work and, unfortunately, you cannot see the work as your ears.
3. In your previous job, you were, say, the head of a department. And when an ordinary manager appears at the interview who is going to conduct a preliminary conversation, a kind of gentleman suddenly wakes up in you. Someone will "interrogate" a professional who is wise in life ?! Your snobbery is overwhelming, your resentful heart is not ready to listen to the voice of reason. Somehow the elementary rules of corporate ethics remain outside the mind. And you, naturally, having made a fatal mistake, leave the interview room with a proud head. With dignity, but without a coveted job and a tarnished reputation.
4. Do not try to be your boyfriend at the interview or to show yourself as a person who is passionate about art, literature. You run the risk of getting into a scrupulous position: what if your counterpart turns out to be a real good in these high spheres? Light lies and superficial knowledge have not yet benefited anyone, especially when choosing a job.
5. If at the interview you ignore everything, you can say goodbye to your dream of a good job in advance. Because in such a position, the applicant is often deprived of the opportunity to receive important information. And a serious business conversation with such a person has no further meaning.
Be vigilant, attentive, reasonable - and then real luck will come to you.