Getting a job interview can be difficult for most people because of the excitement, fear of failure, and the fear of not showing your best. If you want to get a job in a branch of such an organization as Sberbank of Russia, then you need to carefully prepare, since there can be quite a lot of applicants for one vacant position.

Step 1
The interview, as a rule, is preceded by a telephone conversation, during which it is desirable for you to find out not only the availability of a vacancy, the address of the organization and the time when you should come, but also the requirements for candidates. Also, try to be clear about working conditions right away, so you can determine in advance whether the job is right for you or not.
Step 2
Clothes should be in a classic style, since when working in a bank you will constantly have to observe a dress code in a business style. Try to avoid flashy accessories and bright colors in your makeup, you should look neat and modest. From jewelry, a girl can stop at small gold earrings and a chain with a pendant; it is advisable for a man to choose a watch to give the impression of a punctual person.
Step 3
You should never be late for an interview. In addition, you need to turn off your cell phone so that it does not ring in the middle of a conversation. Take with you documents that characterize you as a professional corresponding to the level of the vacancy: it can be a diploma, certificate of completion of courses, work book, recommendations from past jobs.
Step 4
Think in advance about the answers to the most frequently asked interview questions. Employers are especially concerned about where and by whom you previously worked, the reasons for dismissal, why you want to work at Sberbank, what business qualities you consider the most important, why you consider yourself a suitable candidate for this position.
Step 5
Prepare yourself for the fact that you may have to fill out a questionnaire, take certain tests, or complete assignments. Assessment of your professional qualities is a prerequisite for hiring a branch of Sberbank of Russia.