Sick leave (the official name is a certificate of incapacity for work) is needed in two cases: firstly, to prove that the employee did not skip work, but was absent for valid reasons, and, secondly, for calculating and paying sick leave.

Disability certificates are issued by the attending physicians of medical institutions who have a state license. At the same time, ambulance workers, blood transfusion points, prevention centers, etc. do not have the right to issue sick leave.
The reasons for going on sick leave may vary. It can be injury, illness, illness of a family member, pregnancy and childbirth, and so on.
Sick leave certificates are issued to everyone who is insured under compulsory social insurance, that is, to all citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as to foreigners who work in Russia under labor contracts.
However, a certificate of incapacity for work is not issued to those who are on parental leave and part-time workers (that is, those who work part-time).
In Russia, the form of a certificate of incapacity for work has been approved and the provision of this document on any other form is not allowed. For example, certificates, extracts from the medical history do not replace sick leave and payments for them are not made.
If a Russian citizen received medical care abroad and he has a document about it from a foreign state, then the issue of receiving payments due under Russian legislation is decided through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the medical commission of a medical organization.
Sick leave must be presented for payment within six months from the date of its closure.
The sick leave can be filled out on the computer either by hand with black paste in large letters or in a mixed way (both typed and by hand at the same time).
A certificate of incapacity for work is issued for the period that goes after contacting a medical institution. Only a medical commission can make a decision on the issue of sick leave for the period before going to the doctor. Sick leave is issued for a maximum of 15 days (a paramedic draws up sick leave only for 10 days), extension - also by decision of the commission of doctors.
When filling out the certificate of incapacity for work, mistakes may occur. If a medical worker made a mistake, then a duplicate of the sick leave is issued immediately correct without corrections. If the employer makes a mistake, then he makes corrections to the sheet by crossing out the erroneous information with black paste and making the correct entry on the back of the sick leave. Here you need to sign "The Corrected Believe" and put the seal of the organization.
A certificate with the calculation of benefits is attached to each certificate of incapacity for work.