How To File A Police Report

How To File A Police Report
How To File A Police Report

If you want to report a crime to the police, you should know some features that will help you do everything quickly and efficiently.

How to file a police report
How to file a police report

So, you own the information that you consider it necessary to report to the police. How to do it?

1. Form the text of your message and type it on your computer. This will help you remember all the facts, dates and events in a relaxed atmosphere. Try to be concise while capturing all the relevant information. It is better to start with a date or period: "2017-18-06 I was contacted by …. / In June 2017 I entered into an agreement …"

Do not try to qualify the crime yourself (assign the article), the employees will do it on their own and most likely correctly.

Specify specific harm or damage. Don't try to complete your application. There is a 100% chance you will miss something and still have to redo it. Police officers will do this on their own as needed.

2. Decide where exactly to apply with the application. For example, suppose you have suffered an economic crime. If you and your offenders are in the same city, it makes no sense to go to the regional administration (they consider cases involving regional crimes and more broadly). Contact the EBiPK in the city, there you can talk with people who are more likely to take care of your question.

3. Take your passport and application on a USB stick. A passport is required for identification, access control. The statement stated on the flash drive significantly reduces the time spent on reception. At the same time, you can always add or ask something. The employee will edit your text, that's okay. In any case, you will be given a look at the edited version. Your passport will most likely be copied and attached to your application.

Important: if you want to attach any documents, make copies of them and provide them to the staff. But do not get carried away too much: for now this is only a message about a crime - all the necessary documents, if necessary, will be requested from you later. On average, you will spend no more than half an hour.


- When to come?

The best time to visit is on weekdays, from 10.00 to 11.30 and from 1.30 to 17.00. This way, you will not deprive anyone of your meal and will be accepted without expectation.

- When to expect an answer?

The answer comes within a month from the date of submission of the application to the address that you provide to the employee. Make sure that the address is actual or about access to the mailbox.

- What will happen with my application?

It will be transferred for registration, after which the jurisdiction will be determined, and only after that it will be fully considered.

- Do I need to receive a notification coupon (ticket)?

This does not have to be, it will not affect your case in any way. You will be notified in writing in any case.

- Should I come with a representative, a lawyer, etc.?

This is not necessary to submit an application, as the police officer on duty has no interest in restricting your rights or distorting the information you provided. Most likely, this particular employee will not deal with your material, so no difficulties can arise.
