The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the replacement of a passport upon reaching a person of twenty and forty-five years of age. However, if your identity card is lost or stolen, you will have to do it without waiting for the due date.

- - statement about the loss (theft) of the passport;
- - application for the restoration of the passport;
- - receipt of payment of state duty;
- - birth certificate;
- - military ID (for men);
- - certificate of registration;
- - four photographs measuring 35x45 mm.
Step 1
Finding the loss of your passport, try to find it as soon as possible. If the search did not yield any results, immediately report the loss (theft) to the police and order a new document. Remember that there is a heavy penalty for delaying a missing report.
Step 2
Don't count on anyone finding your ID and wanting to return it to its rightful owner. Please note that a passport that has fallen into the hands of fraudsters can become a dangerous weapon in their hands. Potential unlawful actions of violators of the law depend on the promptness of the measures you take.
Step 3
There is a possibility that attackers will try to use your passport to apply for a loan. By timely writing a statement about the loss, you will provide information about the lost document to the federal database and protect yourself from repaying someone else's debt.
Step 4
Visit the nearest police station and write a statement about the loss (theft) of your passport under circumstances unknown to you. After registering the document, you will receive a tear-off coupon confirming the acceptance of the application. After checking on the fact of loss, which can last from two weeks to one month, you will receive a letter with its results.
Step 5
With the letter, go to the passport office at your place of residence and, having paid the state fee, apply for the restoration of the document. Provide a birth certificate, a residence permit, a military ID (for men), a receipt for payment of the duty, and four black and white or color photographs 35 x 45 mm.
Step 6
Expect to receive a new passport within two months. Please be aware that you may be provided with proof of identity at the time of the check. Show the passport office specialists the certificate of acceptance of the loss statement received from the police and receive a document temporarily replacing your missing passport.