What Income Is Alimony Deducted From?

What Income Is Alimony Deducted From?
What Income Is Alimony Deducted From?

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Alimony is deducted from any permanent income of the payer, the presence and amount of which is confirmed in court. The main source of income for parents of a minor is usually wages.

What income is alimony deducted from?
What income is alimony deducted from?


Step 1

The main source of permanent income from which alimony is collected is wages. Its size is established in the course of the trial on the basis of documents submitted by the parties, requests from the court. After that, alimony payments are determined, the main method of calculating which is to indicate a certain part of the parent's earnings. In case of compulsory recovery of alimony, the payer's employer may be obliged to transfer the share established by the court in favor of the minor's representative.

Step 2

If the payer of alimony has income in the form of interest from deposits placed with credit institutions, then it will also be taken into account when determining the amount of alimony. In the event of their compulsory collection, the bank can independently transfer funds on the basis of the executive document received by it.

Step 3

If, in the course of the proceedings, other sources of constant income from the alimony payer are identified, they are also taken into account when determining the amount of the monthly payment. So, as such sources, the lease of any property (houses, apartments), entrepreneurial activity, dividends are often indicated.

Step 4

If the alimony payer does not have a permanent income, then the court may take into account the irregular income. For example, some citizens work on the basis of civil law contracts, do not receive wages, but have occasional large-scale remuneration. In this case, the court can determine alimony in a fixed amount, and the parent will independently regulate his own income, ensuring the monthly transfer of these funds for the maintenance of the child.

Step 5

Alimony is also deducted from income that parents can receive in kind or in foreign currency. In this case, it is often difficult for the court to establish the frequency of income or the value of the property or funds received. That is why, in relation to such receipts, the method of determining alimony in a fixed amount is also often used.

Step 6

Finally, other benefits received by a parent, including pensions, scholarships, and other state benefits, may be taken into account as the parent's permanent income. It is not difficult to establish the fact of their receipt and the amount, therefore, these amounts will be taken into account when calculating the monthly income of the alimony payer.
