An application for establishing paternity may be needed for court hearings regarding the recovery of alimony or any other family problems associated with the fact that the man does not want to recognize the child as his own.

Step 1
The application must be in legible handwriting, preferably in block letters.
Step 2
In the upper right corner, they write exactly where the document is sent and who is its author. In this part of the application it is necessary to write the following text: "B (full name of the court) inter-municipal / district court of the city (name)"; on the next line: “Plaintiff: (surname, full name, patronymic, date of birth)”. Below is your residential address and the same information about the respondent (your husband).
Step 3
Further, in the center of the next line, the name of the document is written: "Statement of claim for the establishment."
Step 4
Below you write the statement itself, the text of which looks like this: “With the defendant (last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth of my husband), I was in a de facto marriage relationship from (day, month, year of marriage) to (day, month, year of divorce) ". Then from the red line: "During this period I gave birth to a child (son or daughter) (surname, name, patronymic and date of birth of the child)." From the new paragraph: "The defendant is his (her) father, but refuses to submit to the registry office an application for registration of paternity, which is confirmed by the following evidence: …".
Step 5
Below, list in a column all the evidence necessary and sufficient for the court that can confirm the fact of your residence with the defendant and running a common household with him in the period before the birth of the child or that confirms the husband's participation in the maintenance and upbringing of the child. Attach to the application a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, joint photographs, videos, letters confirming the fact of paternity or the fact that you lived together, testimony of witnesses. DNA examination is indisputable proof of paternity, but this is a rather expensive procedure, and not everyone can access it. If you find it difficult to collect the necessary evidence, contact lawyers.
Step 6
Below, state your requirements: “In accordance with article 49 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, please: 1) Establish that (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, nationality, place of residence of the husband) is the father (last name, first name, patronymic of the child and the date of his 2) To confirm the claim, call and interrogate witnesses (list the surnames, names, patronymics, dates of birth and addresses of witnesses, if any).”Please note that such a statement of claim implies only establishing the fact of paternity. If you want to demand child support from your husband, the application is drawn up differently.