It is very simple for an individual to obtain a TIN - to do this, you need to contact the tax office at the place of your registration, apply for the coveted document and wait for it in a week. When employing an individual, the employer does not have the right to demand a TIN from him, so in this case you can do without additional papers, but if you decide to become an individual entrepreneur, then you need to have a TIN.

- - the passport;
- - application for a TIN.
Step 1
TIN is a 12-digit tax identification number. Some useful information can be obtained from these numbers. So the first two digits are the designation of the code of the subject of the Russian Federation. The next two digits are the number of the local tax office, followed by six digits - the tax record number of the taxpayer and, finally, the last two are "check digits" present to verify the correctness of the entry.
Step 2
To obtain a TIN, you need to apply for registration with the federal tax office at the place of your registration. This can be done in several ways. You can visit the tax office in person. You must have a passport (or other identity document) with you. You can also send the application by registered mail by mail with acknowledgment of receipt. At the same time, your application must be accompanied by a notarized copy of an identity document and confirming your registration at the place of residence. Most likely, in this case, you will also use your passport.
Step 3
In addition, you can submit an application for a TIN on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. When making an application through the online service, you must accurately indicate important personal data: basic information about you, your citizenship, information from your passport (or also another identity document), current contact information and your email address.
Step 4
Within 5 working days after receiving your application, the tax inspectorate must register you as an individual, then enter the information into the Unified State Register of Taxpayers (USRN) and then issue you a certificate of registration with the tax authority in the Russian Federation. However, in practice, the exact deadline for issuing documents depends on the specific department of the tax inspectorate. Some of them can issue a ready-made TIN in 20 minutes.
Step 5
The tax authorities usually notify the citizen by the contact information he left that the TIN (or rather the certificate of registration) has been made and is awaiting its owner. It remains to get the finished document. You can do this either when you personally visit the tax office at your place of residence (or the tax office at the place of your stay - in the event that you do not have a specific place of residence in the Russian Federation), or when you visit a legal or authorized representative.