The decision of a court of general jurisdiction is made in full and issued to the parties within five days from the date of its adoption. A similar period has been set for the issuance of decisions of the arbitration court, however, these bodies independently send judicial acts to the participants in the process.

Upon completion of the consideration of civil cases, the judges of the magistrates, district, city or arbitration courts do not issue decisions to the parties immediately. In the process, only the operative part of the judicial act is announced, after which the judge receives a certain time to complete it. The parties, on the other hand, are usually interested in familiarizing themselves with the full text of the decision, since only in this case can a reasonable conclusion be drawn about the need to appeal it or other further actions. That is why, in all judicial authorities, the time limits for appealing against the decision made are counted from the date of the preparation of the complete judicial act. The period given to judges to write a full-fledged decision is identical for arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction (world, city, district), however, the parties must take into account the presence of some nuances that distinguish these judicial bodies.
What is the time frame for issuing a decision of a court of general jurisdiction?
The civil procedural legislation determines that the preparation of the full text of the decision must be carried out within a period not exceeding five days from the moment when its operative part was announced. This means that after the expiration of the specified period, the plaintiff and the defendant can apply for a judicial act. To receive a decision, you must first call the secretary of the judge who made the decision to agree on the time of receipt of the document. After that, the interested person comes to the secretary of this judge, who, against receipt, gives him a copy of the decision. Final judicial acts are issued to the parties free of charge; no additional conditions, except for the presence of a passport and a power of attorney (for representatives), are put forward.
What is the time frame for the decision of the arbitration court?
The law gives judges of arbitration courts the same five-day period for the preparation of the full text of the adopted decision, which is given to judges of magistrates and district courts. The end of this period means that the plaintiff, the defendant, their representatives can independently obtain a copy of the decision in the court office. A significant difference between the system of arbitration courts is the possibility of receiving this document by mail, and it is sent automatically if there is no application for it within the specified period. Only the first copy of the decision is issued free of charge, therefore, in case of its loss and repeated appeal to the court for receipt, you will have to pay a state fee, the amount of which is tied to the number of pages in the decision.