Forests belong to the state, and the right to lease a forest can be obtained through an auction in accordance with the Land Code of the Russian Federation and Article 25 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation. To participate in the auction, you must submit a written application to the local administration and prepare a package of documents.

- - statement;
- - receipt of prepayment;
- - project documentation;
- - contract;
- - cadastral extracts;
- - application to FUGRTS;
- - receipt of payment for registration.
Step 1
You can only get the opportunity to rent timber during the auction. Priority rights are vested in citizens who are willing to pay the maximum price for the right to lease. But paying only for the lease right is absolutely not enough to become a tenant.
Step 2
Write an application for participation in the auction. Pay 10% of the original price of the current woodland tender. If you do not become a tenant, you will be refunded the amount deposited in advance or you will be able to participate in the next auction at no additional charge.
Step 3
Prepare a project for the use of the forest fund. In the project documentation, indicate the types of forest use. According to article 25 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, you can rent a forest to organize a recreation center, health centers, cultural and entertainment centers.
Step 4
Submit the project documentation to the administration for consideration by the Forest Distribution Commission. If the specified use is acceptable and will not disturb the ecological balance, you will be delivered with the "Approved" resolution.
Step 5
If you won the tender, a lease will be signed with you. The lease terms can be any. You must carry out the procedure for surveying the allocated area, receive cadastral extracts and register the contract with the FUGRTS.
Step 6
In the forest, you cannot build capital structures, but it is quite acceptable to install light summer houses for recreation, a health center, a warehouse.
Step 7
After 15 years, a bona fide tenant has the priority right to obtain ownership of the forest.