If you want to get a prestigious job in St. Petersburg, open your own business, rent a house, get a loan from a bank or take any other important step, you just need a permanent or temporary registration in the northern capital. How do I get it?

Step 1
Unfortunately, in our time in St. Petersburg you can find a very large number of dubious ads offering permanent or temporary registration. Do not fall for the tricks of scammers. It may turn out that such a registration will be invalid, and you are breaking the law.
Step 2
The legal way to get permanent registration: get a share of the property in ownership, issue a certificate of ownership in your last name. This is the main and most reliable way to obtain a permanent residence permit. In this case, you will become a fully legalized resident of St. Petersburg. But naturally, this method is not available to everyone. However, the law does not specify the minimum share of residential premises required for registration. This means that in order to obtain a stamp in the passport, it will be enough to register even one square meter of the area, or even less.
Step 3
Another way that does not conflict with the law: come to the passport office together with the owner of the home and register for his living space. In this case, you may be required to issue a receipt for your utility bills.
Step 4
If you need temporary registration, please contact your real estate agency. Very often in the announcement of the renting of apartments, the condition of temporary registration is indicated. In this case, you need to be very careful not to become a victim of deception. Read the agreement carefully and make sure that all of its clauses are respected. There were cases when temporary registration was carried out on streets that do not exist in the city.
Step 5
Expect some serious spending. A residence permit in a metropolis such as St. Petersburg is quite expensive, especially when it comes to permanent registration. The approximate amount of expenses is from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.
Currently, there are active discussions about whether the institution of registration violates the right of citizens to freedom of movement, but so far everything remains unchanged and obtaining registration is necessary by law.