Currently, enterprises and organizations in Russia have many trade unions and voluntary trade union associations working, as a rule, at one specific enterprise or organization, regardless of their form of ownership and subordination. These trade union associations act on the basis of the regulation on the primary trade union organization in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law on the PS. Therefore, the order of exit from such a union is the same.

Step 1
The activity of any primary organization of trade unions is regulated by its own Charter or Regulations, it also determines the procedure for entry and exit from it. Since, simultaneously with a personal written application for joining the trade union, an application is submitted to the chief accountant for the collection of union dues, then when leaving the union, two applications should be written so that the union dues will no longer be deducted from you.
Step 2
Familiarize yourself with the statutory documents in the primary trade union organization, they should indicate the time frame for considering an application to leave the trade union and stipulate the powers of the body that makes this decision. The charter or regulation on the primary trade union organization should stipulate the right of any trade union member to freely withdraw from it and the procedure for action.
Step 3
Usually it is enough to submit a written application to join the trade union committee. Its text should be laconic: "I ask you to expel me from the union." Indicate on the application the specific date from which you are asking to stop considering yourself a member of the trade union, put your signature, give its transcript. Register your application.
Step 4
Simultaneously with this application, submit an application to the accounting department of the enterprise, registering it properly, with a request to terminate the transfer of membership fees from the date you specified. The reason for this is to indicate the withdrawal from the trade union organization.
Step 5
Please note that your application to leave the union does not need to be approved by either a meeting or a union committee meeting. After it is registered with the trade union, you can consider yourself not affiliated with the trade union. Simultaneously with the application submitted, hand over your union membership ticket to the trade union committee. After a year after your resignation from the trade union, he, along with the registration card, must be destroyed according to the act.