Copyright to a work under the laws of Ukraine arises from the moment of its creation. But, if desired, the author can undergo state registration of his rights to him. To do this, he must contact the State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine and provide a copy of the work with a package of necessary documents. This is optional, but desirable in case of copyright protection.

- - a statement in the established form in Ukrainian;
- - a copy of the work for which you are registering copyright;
- - documentary confirmation of the fact of publication (if any);
- - originals or a copy of receipts for payment of state fees for the registration of copyright or the issuance of a certificate or the right to benefits;
- - a power of attorney if you are acting in the interests of a third party.
Step 1
Prepare a copy of the work for submission to the State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine. This can be a printed copy of a text, a book or newspaper (magazine) publication, photographs, copies of paintings, a CD with a recording of a piece of music, etc.
Step 2
If the work has already been published, provide documentary evidence of the publication: copyright agreements, if they specify the publication dates, clippings from newspapers or magazines, books, various information (for example, from a radio station or TV channel about the date of the work on the air). Certify the clippings from periodicals with the seal of the editorial office and the signature of its representative. If the work has not yet been published, this does not in any way affect your copyright and the procedure for their state registration.
Step 3
Fill in the application in the established form in Ukrainian. Download its form on the website of the State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine. If you do not speak Ukrainian, use the services of an interpreter.
Step 4
Pay the state fee for copyright registration and issuance of a certificate. You can easily find the current amounts and details on the website of the State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine. The amounts are indicated in UAH, payment from abroad can be made in the equivalent in dollars or euros. If you are entitled to benefits for paying state fees, make a copy of the document confirming them.
Step 5
Send the package of documents to the Intellectual Property Department by mail if you are not in Kiev and do not plan to go there. Office postal address: st. Uritskogo, 45, Kiev-35, MSP, 03680, Ukraine. You can also take it to the department personally. Office hours are from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm on weekdays.