Citizens who are temporarily in the territory of another country are obliged to obey its laws. In case of violation of law and order, they can be forcibly deported by representatives of the authorities to their state.

Step 1
Deportation is the forced expulsion of a person or a group of persons to another state. According to Protocol No. 4 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, a citizen of his state cannot be deported by force to another state, and no one has the right to prohibit citizens from entering the territory of his state.
Step 2
Deportation in most countries is an administrative punishment applied to violating the law and order of foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons staying in the state on illegal grounds. In the event of termination or loss of legal grounds for further stay in the country, such citizens are forced or voluntarily forced to leave its territory.
Step 3
In Russia, the procedure for deportation is regulated by the law “On the Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”. In accordance with it, a foreign citizen, upon the expiration of the documentary period of stay in Russia, is obliged to leave the country within three days. In case of cancellation of documents permitting the presence in the territory of the country for any reason, the foreign person undertakes to leave it within 15 days.
Step 4
The court has the right to order deportation. Until the relevant decision is made, foreign citizens are held in special institutions of the FMS. The foreigner subjected to deportation is prohibited from entering Russia for the next 3-5 years. This period can be increased or decreased depending on the severity of the offense committed.
Step 5
A court decision on deportation can be appealed within 10 days from the date the person receives the relevant decision. Court decisions that have entered into legal force are subject to appeal in a supervisory instance court.
Step 6
Deportation is applied to foreigners illegally staying on the territory of the Russian Federation (under forged documents, when crossing the border illegally), violating the rules of stay in the country (in violation of the visa regime and the procedure for obtaining a residence permit), who have lost legal grounds for further stay in the state (in case of a visa delay).
Step 7
This administrative measure does not apply to certain categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons, including: refugees and persons granted political asylum; refugees who have applied for asylum (before the end of the examination of the application); refugees deprived of the relevant status in the event of a threat to their lives upon returning to their homeland; consular and diplomatic staff.