Deportation, translated from Latin, sounds like exile. Today, deportation is a forced expulsion of a foreign citizen from the country. The functions of deportation belong to the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

Step 1
Deportation in modern life is not at all a rare phenomenon; notorious criminals or other individuals or groups of them who call into question the concept of the safety of other citizens of the country are subject to it. At the same time, deportation can also be carried out if the person has all the rights and obligations on the territory of the given state of residence, that is, is its completely legal citizen. However, this is more an exception than a rule, because in accordance with all kinds of conventions and laws, the very concept of deportation infringes upon human rights. It is impossible to deport, as well as to deprive of citizenship, Russians in Russia, this measure is applicable only to foreign citizens.
Step 2
Deportation applies to foreign citizens who in one way or another violated the rights of entry, stay or registration in the country that temporarily sheltered them. From this we can conclude that this impact is a kind of administrative punishment, when a person is forced to leave the state borders on a voluntary basis or under escort.
Step 3
In Russia, the concept of deportation is regulated by a certain law, which speaks about the procedures for the stay of foreign citizens. In accordance with official documents, citizens whose official period of stay in the country has expired, or those who have lost their officially valid documents due to their zeroing, are subject to deportation. Such people must leave the country within fifteen days from the moment the event occurred.
Step 4
As a rule, an official decision on the deportation of a citizen of a particular country is made in court, until that moment the person is in custody in state authorized institutions. Interestingly, an exile is deprived of the right to re-enter Russia for up to five years, and the more serious the offense he committed, the more significant the punishment may be. However, the law also provides for the procedure for appealing against a deportation decision, which a discontented person can submit within 10 days from the moment the court adopts such a decision.
Step 5
According to domestic legislation, refugees and other persons in need of protection and shelter, as well as those who have made such a request for the period of consideration of their application, cannot be subject to deportation. Officials such as consuls and diplomats are not subject to deportation.
Step 6
Deportation is not cheap, which is why, in accordance with the law, the costs of expulsion are officially borne by the person who was punished or his consulate in the country, and if neither is possible, the burden of responsibility is borne by the country that is the final destination of the wanderer …